So is it really true that Erock now runs the faction channel?

5  2017-07-10 by ART-CORNEY

On the Fri J&S show they said Erock was the head producer- IS that true or were they just kidding... Like when they said Jason Ellis was the head of faction.


running the channel is not a position of authority, its an admin thing

Never thought I'd see the words Erock & runs in the same sentence.

Take us to break piggy boy!

Run E rock run ya fat retarded piece of shit.

relax, its passive run, not active run.

Hoagie Boy is now Hoagie Man.

They plied him with donuts and action figures:

It's a small reward for dealing with the biggest piece of shit in the world for 15 years. Good for him.


pretty sure he's been Operations Manager for months anyway; now he's just been relieved of his 3-6 board op job to do it full time.

Head slobbo.