It's weird how much you guys hate Opie.

0  2017-07-10 by iamBlov

I don't get how someone you hate can cause so much vitriol. I think you all secretly love Opie.


You should be ashamed.

No. We hate him.

Like an ex gf you're still in love with sure.

You don't understand how hate can cause vitriol?
Read a dictionary you fucking buffoon.

If you actually hated him you would just forget about him and move on. Yet he drives 95% of this subs content

Does he steer the ship?

Since he was 18

I don't hate Opie. Nice try with the hate, tho.

Fuck off Opie.

What happened to the groceries?

We been hating on Opie since the beginning. There were complations of him stopping bits with his 'HOLD ON HOLD ON' garbage.

we're green with envy

You nailed it. They need him back asap or their lives are empty.

I love that such a talentless, large bosomed man exists to mock. Don't hate Opie at all.

I love his luscious tits.

Let me break it down for you, I'm in my mid-20's. I have a job that pays well, but the hours are long. I have no post secondary education. Every season I work with new people, never talk to them because (I assume) I'm an undiagnosed borderline autistic. At the end of each season, they move on with their exciting lives. Sometimes I stalk their Instagrams. They progress to lawyers, engineers, teachers, real professions and romantic lives, music festivals, traveling, friends, holiday celebrations. All the fucking things that constitute a happy and regular life that allude me. I stay in the same place, they come and go. They love, they laugh, they live. I sit alone stewing in self loathing like a real life Grinch... Minus the happy heart changing ending and replace it with progressively concerning perversions. Stuck in place while the world changes around me like a fucking boulder. My relationship with my friends soured, I spend my free time consuming copious amounts of booze and I haven't touched a woman in years. My health is deteriorating slowly and I've become physically repulsive. Each month I toy with the idea of suicide, but I'm still young enough that I can fool myself that with enough hard work and determination i can turn it all around. One day I'll become outgoing, one day I'll get fit and quit drinking, one day I'll be likeable, one day. All the while knowing in the back of my mind that day is never going to come. One morning I'm going to wake up and be 30, then 40 and even more pathetic. My parents will die off, and I'll truly not interact with anyone. But when I come on this sub, I laugh. I briefly forget about it all. So if you don't understand why a bunch of guys get together to bash someone far more successful and happy than they will ever be, you can suck your mothers dildo. 🤗

Leave it alone

What happened to the groceries?