Reminder: Opie, Sherrod, Vic and Carl were part of history

31  2017-07-10 by Notmyfirstacc3


Oh god I couldn't finish it...

Fuck you for linking this and fuck me for watching it.

Typical Mexican, drinking and driving.

It's sad how old people aren't aging gracefully these days and how midlife crisis's are starting earlier and earlier.

Social media really did ruin everything.

Hot take I know

he just sold his soul to the devil.

What are they so sad about? They can still go hang out and laugh at nothing. They would have the exact same number of listeners.

Yeah but Cuban would receive $300 less a month doing it.

"You give me a time, a place, I give you a five month window...anything happens in that 5 months and I'm yours"

I hate that the implication is that he was right in there with Patrice, Louie, Burr, ect.

Watching this is the same as someone against CNN watching CNN.


holy douche chills. Someone tell guy fieri that the help is using his car.

Never listened to The New Gregg Hughes N' Friends - wasnt Ruiz one of Rolands boys? I figured he met The Opester thru Food Court ?

What the fuck.

I didn't know you could rent a porsh?

What's a porsh?

My motha said somethin about basketball people hanging out on em.

Fancy car,I'm functionally illiterate so that's about as good as it gets from me.

There's no excuse for spelling like the retard if you're on the internet.

he should have crashed that muuug


Why does inner circle talent have a need to be humbled? Last time i heard those people were to be taken care of. Oh wait, Opie has no need for him and this social media needy twat is trying stay liked. How long b4 he realizes he was just another beach turd easily buried awaiting high tide.

This faggot was never even on O&A. He has no right to use that song.

Maybe he identifies with one of the many nameless, useless spics that Clint popped in the Dollars trilogy.

He was tho

Part of other people's history.

Attached himself to a radio show he wasn't part of, drinking and driving, has a faggot record it, fist bump, and received money for his "performances". Despicable.

That was just the Joe Cumia special. No alcohol there, bud.

he has that bob kelly fat man walk where he waddles and pulls up his pants.

You should be grateful. You belong nowhere near a microphone but Opie gave you that opportunity. Now go away.

He should have taken the shot and then bussed some tables.

If listened to a single one of Opie's shows I might get mad at the use of that song. But I really don't know who this guy is, so I guess he gets a pass?

I was hoping this video would've ended with him plowing head first into a tree

Fuck this

How fucking dare he!! I've disliked him but this now puts it over the top.

This is exceptionally gay! I was really hoping he was going to smash his friends car (because this short order beaner cook couldn't afford a car like that) into a tree or another car. Or I was hoping a cop was going to pull him over immediately at gunpoint and unload on him thinking he was brandishing a weapon. Also notice how embarrassed (or ugly) the girl is in the video. She had to wear hipster "America" $5 sunglasses. Yuck!

A fat guy who thinks it's cool to drink a shot and speed a porche around a parking lot is the dictionary definition of a dickhead.

In the same way as Hindenburg, Challenger, and Chernobyl.

I wish he crashed his car and pulled a Dunn

But, didn't you hear how he revved the engine a few times - the ultimate in cool.