Reminder: Ant had three people show up at Sirius to protest his firing... Opie had zero

114  2017-07-09 by Single_Action_Army



So your point is AntH's fans are more pathetic than The Opster's?

At least Tranth's fans are real, pathetic sure, but real.

His fans were real.

Stop trying to get an invite to the Compound.

I think calling Anthony "Tranth" guarantees I'll never be invited. Nice try with the hate tho.

Really? I thought now Anth was out of the closet with his Tranny love he'd consider it a term of endearment.

Protests are for faggots.

What if the protesters are protesting faggots?

Then they're cunts.

For Opie you had a few people saying they are going to cancel. for ant people really did have some form of hope for his podcast network at first

Hell, I tweeted him saying I'd pay for a subscription. I cancelled it after the first month, but he did get a pity $7 from me.

Don't worry the new studio will change everything

Can't wait! I hear the SAS are helping him get equipment into the city

Yeah but Opie doesn't care about real things. Look at the smattering of support he got on twitter. That's, like, four real people. He's puttin up tha numbahsssss.

Check out the empties.

He's been doin this since he was 18 and could have been a model

Yeah but Ant had three zero's

Even retired Stalker Patti is too busy and can't be bothered.

Management likes the direction this protest is going

I actually re-subscribed to SiriusXM today in honor of them firing that fucking retard.

I call for a 3/5 compromise on bobo and count him as such.

Its easier to defend a racist than a sexual deviate who is turned on by filming fellow coworkers while going to the bathroom

When XM suspended O&A for Homeless Charlie, I was LIVID

Eleven years later I'm cheering Opie's demise

but one of them was bobo and he doesn't count as a real person

No one wants to be associated with a doody pooper peeper.

Was what made me realize that maybe the real reason he got fired was that they had shitty ratings and Anthony gave them a reason to fire him and give Opie and Jimmy shitty deals. If they saw O&A brand as a huge asset to the company they wouldn't have thrown him out that easily. I think this also one reason Opie got fired... His value to the company wasnt worth the hassle of having him employed.

"they arent people" applies here