Cracked employs faggots 1/10

20  2017-07-09 by Every1ShouldBKilled


You seem offended by this

Yes. That is the very basic idea. It shouldn't need clarification.

This writer is a faggot. He says that walking out on Mike Pence's commencement speech is "harder" than sitting and listening. Not really. Being able to sit, like an adult, and respectfully listen to opinions that you might not agree with us much more difficult than throwing a tantrum and running away from mean man's words

Cracked has been shit from the get go, with a few notable exceptions. Somewhere along the line they went full retard and now 3/4 of their front page is stories about trannies and shit. Yuck!

I work with a guy who reads it in earnest daily. He is a fucking needle dicked chinless creep, who has the mindset of a highschool loser, while pushing 40.

Tell Norton I said Kisses

Nah man, this guy makes Norton look like a stud.

Cracked circa 2010-2012 was pretty dope and before that I think they were okay.

David Wong and especially Seanbaby wrote some of the funniest and most interesting shit I've ever read, but they were standouts among a really decently funny writing team at the time.

When they started with the SJW type stuff, I was really open to it to the point of almost embracing that culture because 1) I looked up to that staff a lot as a young teen, and 2) it happened kinda slowly and I tried to keep an open mind about the subject matter. They were probably my introduction to SJW stuff, but I didn't realize that and rebuke it until right before I stopped reading.

I don't remember what exactly the last straw was for me. but I started rejecting their stuff when I noticed it became less informative and unique and more judgemental and creepily dogmatic. I think it had to do with them hiring an entirely new staff of younger college writers. Changed the whole shit.

Above all, it just wasn't funny anymore. I'll listen to your beliefs on why my existence and/or beliefs are bad if you're at least funny about it.

After writing that above, I realize now I probably cared too much about something for this sub's taste.

Tl;dr Fuck Opie, fuck Sherrod, fuck SJW's.

It was a really gradual change. I remember the first thing I noticed on cracked that seemed "sjw" was a comic about how hating feminists means you hate women. Then they started posting more and more unfunny guilt tripping shit. Those articles aren't from the same front page, but they are all real cracked "comedy(tm)" articles.

"I was going to put a bunch of screenshots and links here for examples, but what's the fucking point"

Yeah, dude, I agree. What's the point of providing evidence for your claims or making your argument at all based on tangible data? We all know Donald Trump is a racist fascist Russian and stuff. Like why even bother with all that reading and thinking?