Now that it's all over, has anyone ever tried compiling a list of things that O&A did in their prime that would get them fired in 2017?

5  2017-07-09 by shaqfan99

That would be a very long list. But that was the O&A that everyone could agree was brilliant, knowing how to push boundaries and keep things just within FCC guidelines.

I always loved when Louis CK opted out of participating in a naked BoBo erection thing. Louie immediately imitated a news anchor and said:

"Comedian and Shock Jocks have sexually abused a mentally retarded man..."


Jim Norton fucked an intoxicated 17yr old in Ron Benningtons office

theoretically, they couldn't get him on that unless it was confirmed, right? there would be no way to prove it if there was no complaint.

He "confessed" on air ... but yeah the only time anything they do is a problem is when someone bothers to complain

are you implying that jimmy's little pecker would leave no detectable vaginal trauma?

But 17 is legal in New York, as we've heard time and time again from Professor Anthony.

I never said it was a crime (arguable since she was drunk and on drugs and not capable of giving consent blah blah) but it is a fireable offence to do that at the office

You're a British faggot. You don't know what was and wasn't a fireable OFFENSE here in 2004.

"a list of things that O&A did in their prime that would get them fired in 2017?" you fucking stupid cunt

You spell like a British cockgulper. Go paste your Roland fanfiction again.

why ? so you can make some irrelevant comment and get angry about having your idiocy pointed out

My stomach hurts.

Ay, el estomago

I don't speak british.

They wouldn't have been able to get rid of Earl in 2017

It's strange how things ebb and flow. 10 years ago there was almost as a crazy P.C. element out there. The whole homeless Charlie suspension was more of a reaction to a right wing, religious oriented push than by the liberal douchbags then. Radio and tv were both crazy then because of the Janet Jackson halftime aftermath. I'm not completely sure that would have gotten them suspended now.

Anthony had been treading on the liberal p.c. police radar the past few years before he go canned. I really thought he was losing his mind over the whole George Zimmerman/Travon Martin issue and was using some pretty racially charged language on a daily basis. He was so fucking obsessed with it that summer, I stopped listening for awhile (not because i was pro-zimmerman going to prison, but because it was boring, horrible radio for about 2 hours a day and you could tell that both Jimmy and Opie were getting fed up with it). I was surprised he didn't draw the lefties attention during all that. I remember laughing when he got canned and thinking "obviously all these idiots after him right now haven't listened to the show the past 2 years or so".

theoretically, they couldn't get him on that unless it was confirmed, right? there would be no way to prove it if there was no complaint.

But 17 is legal in New York, as we've heard time and time again from Professor Anthony.