Luis J. Gomez is a faggot

0  2017-07-08 by crookedmile

Prove me wrong.


hes not the one wearing fingerless gloves

or make-up

did I prove this guy wrong?

fawk yeah you buried that cucksucka

I concur

Nice try Luis.

Hey, Luis. I just want to say that I enjoy every podcast you're on and that I hope you die a spic death.

Jay: biggest faggot in the universe.

Dave: has fantasies about Ron and Rand Paul Eifle Towering him.

Luis: not a faggot. But he used to have an Uncle Paul mustache.

Would a faggot pose for a photo like this?

Would a faggot post here occasionally to garner some he's-one-of-us points?

Would a faggot call himself a real ass dude?

Would a faggot be a faggot?

Yes Yes Yes Yes

He allowed Big Jay to jerk him off with a fleshlight. He was on the recieving end, so it's cool.


Don't be an idiot. I fucked that fleshlight that happened to be in Big Jay's hand.

You know too that Jay helped. It's fine though. We're all fags here.

Pics or GTFO

It's a grey area.

Is that why he wears the gloves?

He tries too hard = faggot

hes a real ass dude

I like him.

did I prove this guy wrong?