Patrice's role on The Office

2  2017-07-08 by Trayvondindunuffin

Imagine the bigwigs had cast Patreeky in Craig Robinsons role. He goes on to be a major character on a hit show, loses some weight, and has a very successful career. With everything that has happened in the past three years, how exactly would the boys have dragged him and his career down with them? #roadsodathoughts


I brought this very topic up before, about Patrice getting the black guy roles that Robinson gets and eating healthy, losing weight and all.

And the answer I got repeatedly was that he'd still be dead from his diabetes because it would have killed him no matter how much he changed his lifestyle.

But he would have lost the funny. Which would have taken the thing that made us like him so much away

If Patrice completely turned it around and monitored his health it wouldn't have killed him. People have completely reversed their diabetes. At the very least he would have lasted a couple decades longer. But he was a self described aloof asshole. He had an opportunity to impress the show runners and get promoted; he blew it. Had nothing to do with diabetes.

Patrice was on The Office and fucked it up