The biggest reason Opie deserves the hate he gets

71  2017-07-07 by ElectricHellKnight

I know I'm not breaking any new ground here when I say Opie should have quit after Ant got fired. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say he wasn't lying when he said "I fought for Ant, to the point I was getting screamed at by management".

Well that's not enough, tittyboy. When your radio partner of 20 years, and half of the brand you're known for, gets the boot, you stick by him. You quit in protest. You had plenty of "fuck you" money, you'd been talking about it for years. Ant is a creep, an alcoholic, and a hypocrite, but he was also your partner. It doesn't matter what "that guy fawkin' did", it doesn't matter if you "got him in this fawkin' business", you stuck with him for 20 years, you should've stuck with him when he got fired.

Opie leaving his partner in the dirt like that is precisely why he deserves every bit of hate that comes his way. He has zero loyalty, but expects 100% of it from the people who work for him

End of autistic rambling about solidarity.


What really pisses me off is that as much of a piece of shit Anthony can be I'm like 99% sure he would have quit if Opie had been the one fired even though he apparently hated him. But no, Opie being the faggot he is sees it as his big opportunity to go solo and fuck up his career even more. It's mind boggling.

It's what he wanted. Opie admitted that he saw Ant's firing as an "opportunity". I'm not sure how much clearer he can be about that.

Let's not elevate him. Anthony is a known coward and pussy. They also hated each other. He was not giving up that money to stick his neck out for Opie.

Not a fucking chance. He'd have marched along to whatever Sirius told him to do.

He has no fucking backbone. Which is why he and that fucking deadbeat ex-cop are already aggressively trying to get Greggshells the Torpid Sloth to join their failed podcast.

Not to mention the show would have been Ant and Jimmy, easy to explain away to the fans. I mean if Opie and Jimmy got a shot after Ant's firing, find it hard to believe the fans were going to revolt if the shoe was on the other foot.

Also, all the pussy, coward, no backbone stuff.

"I just don't understand the torpid sloth thing?"-Opie

I am glad Opie never has to wonder "what could have been?" about going solo.

Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say he wasn't lying when he said "I fought for Ant, to the point I was getting screamed at by management".

He contradicted himself multiple times on this, and has since admitted that "I didn't give it all I had" and "Ant's firing was an opportunity for me."

I know. My point was that even in the most flattering scenario, he still looks like a massive piece of shit.

Ah, point taken. Sorry, I'm a very excited boy today!

It's your birthday, lovely boy. You're allowed to be!

Also, this is a great video all around, but the part with regards to Opie "fighting for Anthony" is 3 minutes 34 seconds.

The three of them could have started a podcast when their contracts expired and charged $15/month. 90% of us would have cancelled Sirius and subscribed.


That show was done in 2012. No one was paying a subscription to the Opie and Anthony podcast in 2014.

Joe Rogan is making millions from a free podcast. O&A could be doing the same tomorrow.


Yeah. Roughly $60,000 per episode 3-4 times per week.


He doesn't make 60k per episode, where are you getting those numbers from? He makes between a few hundred and a few grand per episode

I don't know if he's making $60k but those sponsor reads cost $5-10k for a podcast with that many listeners.

Thats a good point, He's definitely not making 60k an episode but I did forget about sponsors

He does 4 to 8 reads per episode.

Most of that crap is his own product.

I don't know if he's making $60k but those sponsor reads cost $5-10k for a podcast with that many listeners.

Still think you're way off, he has to rent his studio and pay his assistant, on his most recent podcast he did a live read for Casper Mattress and Onnit, that's it. He owns a stake in Onnit, so I'm sure he rakes it in with that bullshit...unless O&A set up a similar snake oil business, they wouldn't come close to making millions from a podcast.

"Unless O&A set up a similar snake oil business..." Some of them did...O&J and then J&S. An ongoing fraud since July of 2014.

I'm not buying that for a minute, Youtube revenues have gone way down and good luck getting ads to run on a podcast with Alex Jones, Milo or any of those other twats..if you flick through his podcasts now without an adblocker you'll see a lot of them don't have ads. On his podcast recently he said he's making about 40% of what he used to from ads, so knowing what I do about Youtube he probably has an rpm of about $4 to $6 per thousand views, the last 3 podcasts he uploaded don't have a million views combined, he's not making 60k an episode.

60k per ep, 3-4 eps per week.


I gotta do more some lines of alpha-brain.

My bad. Forgot the decimal point after 9.

Opie wanted to reinvent himself

That's why it pisses he off that Ant is even considering working with Dopie again.

Not considering. Openly begging

Yep true.

You see the 'cutesy-pie memes He's been tweeting Opie? Openly supporting him, giving him that "I'm here for you" shit....

In a few ways...Ant is much worse than Opie. Just a gutless ghoul.

In a few ways...Ant is much worse than Opie.

Ant is objectively worse than Opie as a person. Its just that Ant is funny and doesnt have Opie's cunty mannerisms that makes Opie No.1 on this sub's shit list.

Biggest reason? There's 2 big reasons.

One hangs to the left, the other, to the right... Pendulous they swing, from morning til night...

Of all the reasons to hate, so many to choose... The biggest are the Tits, on GreggOpieHughes.

He didn't just not go to bat. He rewrote history and acted like they wanted to separate

Very true, even though Ant got fired, Opie was still acting like they were going through a divorce.

On one hand, I agree with this. But I see it slightly differently. He has fuck you money with a job, and lives in one if the most expensive places in the world. Without a job, I suspect he has fuck you money in... I don't know, Boise. He has a family so that is a consideration.

Also, I think Ant is brilliant. Funny as hell. But he went out on his own, probably loaded, and went on a twitter tirade that could have got the whole show cancelled. The "They're not people" one is bad. Sean Hannity called Jim and said"what the fuck is he doing? He's gotta delete those". I believe he didn't delete them for some time after his firing. Deleting them early the next day (I forget what day if the week it was) combined with an acknowledgement that he was angry because of the assault, and he'd been drinking, that might have saved his ass. My point is he put Jim and Opie in jeopardy just doing something stupid on his own.

Could Opie have gotten the show cancelled with cakestomp? Maybe. But everybody around him knew what was boud to happen. They made no stop him... So they're sort of "in on the bit.

Is Opie a lousy person? I don't know how he is at home, but there is video evidence to suggest he is.

Not that you're wrong or anything, but Jimmy is way better friends with Ant and he stayed too. Kinda have to spread that equally.

Biggest reason? His tits cause those mugs are fawkin huge and shiznit.

He outright admitted during the most recent on air battle with Jimmy (I think that's where I heard it) that his effort to back/fight for Ant to management was half assed at best. That treasonous cunt was elated when Ant was fired. Shit, he was dancing on his own Greggshells at that point.

Aside from Marion, he is the most killable human I know of.

Marc Marion?

The muppet that is friends with Lady Di

Nah, he was right. Marc Marion SHOULD be killed.

That's why it's even more pathetic for Ant to just reignite a relationship with this backstabbing psychopath. Cumia is a spineless.

I'm sure Ant wants NOTHING to do with the fucker, but if there's even the slightest chance that an O&A reunion will attract some interest to his failing podcast network, he's definitely going to take advantage of it.

(A reunion won't make a bit of difference, of course.)

And to think Ant is actually offering one hell of a lifeline to Opie when he's in need. Sure Ant stands to profit from it too if tits joins compound but Opie would have never done that for Ant or anybody for that matter. He really is a self centered sociopath who deserves this.