The truth is out.

129  2017-07-07 by RBuddCumia


I love that anyone who reads this headline without knowing the backstory will think he is a horrible pervert.

How would knowing the backstory keep anyone from thinking he's a horrible pervert?

because context matters, intent matters. Are you ok lil buddy?

Suuuuurrreeee, it does! I wazent doin nutin bad! Dey had candies in der pockets and I waz searchen um.

Are you ok lil buddy?

Not at all, but thanks for asking.

The fact you didn't get that joke is almost unbearably embarrassing.

I don't see how your position as a living entity is tenable any more.

Some people, any time anyone replies to them they assume they're being argumentative and contrarian. We refer to these people as Cunts.

So if I understand you correctly, you're saying that in the time between this "cunt" (am I using that right?) reading the comment, being a faggot and then expressing that faggotry in the form of a stupid response, it didn't even occur to him that someone was just trying to be funny?

I can't get my head around that.

Some people just want to think they're reading a stupid question, so they can answer it and berate them for asking a stupid question. They need to believe it was serious so they put the thought that it might have been a joke in denial. If it occurred to them at all. It's the same thing that libs do when it comes to race/gender humor. They take it seriously because they need to and it gives them an excuse to be a cunt.

What a baffling way to think.

I'm not sure why but for some reason I'm extremely confident that these individuals are not strangers to having a fist shoved up them for pleasure.

Their problem is that they're human. Sadly it doesn't go further than that. That's all you need to be to twist your mind up until you have a reason to be a cunt to people.

I'm guessing I'm the cunt here.

If it's all the same to you guys, I prefer the term fag.

No you're just a retard nigger faggot. That /u/fanofbenjamin72 is the cunt.

Thanks. :)

And retard

I'm genuinely surprised any publications have the time to write about this. What a waste of capital.

Really couldn't have hoped for a better ending though. This headline is truly beautiful.

Instead of 'shock jock' they should have said: cuckholding, cake stomping, guitar smashing, faggot


Only cucks put an H in cuckold.

Think he meant cock-holding, although that sounds more like Stern.

That headline is more powerful than "JAPS SURRENDER"

it was not for this. carl got blackballed and opie was giving carl an outlet while bitching about his workplace.

If you ask me the mason's had something to do with this.

The mason's what?

I love how Opie looks like a pervert and the article refused to acknowled Compound Media being on the air.

Why "allegedly"? He admitted it on the air. There are times they don't need to be careful.

It's pretty standard, especially if Roland is threatening to sue. Nobody is gonna talk publically who still works there. I'm betting we get a lot of info piped through the compound.

And yeah, he did admit it, and even defended it aggressively. It's the most mind-boggling, jaw dropping thing about it.

The biggest shock of this story: Maxim is still a publication

I know. What is this 1998?

What are you, 12?




Hold on hold on hold on! 1998... that was.... 20.... 19 years ago!

Math Wiz Opester strikes again.

Ahhhh Maxim. A tits and ass magazine that doesn't show any tits.

Until now!


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Anthony goes down as a racist Nazi woman beater and Opie goes down as a sick, disturbed pervert making vides of people going doodie.

It reads more like one of those sick fucks who hides cameras in toilets and get close-up POV footage of assholes shitting and beats off to it.

O'l Opie Berry

It's your cousin... OPIE Berry

Irony: Many of this sub's users are an amalgamation of these thwo things.

its true

Yeahhhh... Those guys are totally sick, that's so gross!

*male employee

but good enough.

Big boy made a doody!

Did someone say big boy made a doody?

Sex Offender!

That is a brilliant headline. Ol' Drop Tits couldn't pay for headlines like that.

Doesn't bother him in the fawkin' least