Reminder. Opie lasted 8 months doing his 'own' show

243  2017-07-07 by Dennyislife

And yet he's been doing radio since he was 18?


"I could go do something else!"

"No you couldn't."

Anthony could read him like a fucking book.

What?! You gonna spin records again?

Gotta put those records on a swivel

It creaks me up how high opie's voice gets when he gets upset.

And he couldn't muster the courage to do a solo show once. No wonder Bam fucked his wife.

There was one time on twitter he couldn't contact sherrod so didn't do a show. No wonder Sirius wanted him gone

He was fighting for his fawkin' life.

It was fuckin broootul

You guys think he downed a 6 pack of grapefruit beers that day?

Leave it alone.

Head swiveling intensifies....

Is that a real thing that happened?? Holy shit.

He was tweeting stuff out like "Just waiting for Sherrod to see if I'm doing the show today". The bum slept late while Opie panicked and kept trying to get his twelve listeners to shame Sherrod into carrying Opie's show with his massive tongue.

"SNOWY... please call in..."

I like reading Twitter occasionally... But it's mass communication, right? If you manage a restaurant you wouldn't tweet a waitress to see if she could cover a shift.

Opie totally could have faawwwkin done a show by himself! He just likes it when it's a hang and it's like a whatever vibe, brotherman!

He needs his guysssss.


He really needed them. He was so scared without having a cadre of people he could look down at while looking up at someone. "AH! you want me to go to the program director, FUCKFACE?"

Hang = zero show prep

He gave it a whatever effort

And he couldn't muster the courage to do a solo show once

Tom Leykis, who he hates, did a solo show every day.

And, like Opie, is a horrible liar.

*fuckS his wife

He actually explained this once, a year or so ago. He said something like. "I could sit and talk on the radio by myself, and do perfectly fine. I just don't think people wanna hear that."

So I guess he set us straight.

Although he told Roland or whoever was there that not only could he do it, he could do it well.

He HAD BEEN doing radio since he was 18, you mean. Past tense.

Opie's no longer doing radio. Just drink that in for a moment; let it brighten your day.

Oh my...yes..."Opie's no longer doing radio"... A delicious libation indeed.

Like the nectar from the milk balloons Lamar would leave under mudda's bed.... As sweet as the milk straight from the teat of Opie's meaty mammary bags.....

"ahhhh-ahh, the Hughes...their breast milk has always been celebrated for its excellence"

For the benefit of anyone who's never seen this:

Jesus, is almost kinda sad, or at least it would be if he wasn't such a crybaby cunt.

Today: Fired from Sirius

Tomorrow: "Look, I'm applying for jobs, all right? Fawk. I tried to apply at Family Dollar but I couldn't figure out the computer. sniff"

Opie and Todd Pettengil should start a show together to create the ultimate collection of "good bits."

Todd would never stoop so low.

"Hey, this is Stoop Solow. I went to your grocery store, and your sheet cake was full of bumblebess."

Todd is fucking awful but at least he shows some effort.

Try the liquor store.

If it's a Family Dollar, yes, they're managing the registers.

This is true.

Listening to Jay Z's new album while perusing this sub. It's a good day.

I liked Jay-Z 15 years ago. Now, he's a cunt.

The Roland tapes only expedited the process, we all knew he wasn't getting a new contract in the fall.

250 working days per year x (50 - 18) years working in radio (conservative assumption)

=8,000 radio working days

8,000 working days x 2 radio hours per day (conservative assumption)

=16,000 hours

Therefore, the 10,000 hour rule is nonsense and Malcolm Gladwell can go fuck himself.

Yes, but he continued to rake in big money during that time to pad his nest egg. He might have been paid a million bucks during that 8 months, long after he had anything to offer. I'm pretty sure he made out a big winner in this.

Temporarily. He has a millionaire lifestyle with millionaire expenses. It will not last long.

Lynsi is going to take the shirt off his back during the divorce. Which is okay because Opie is a two t-shirt wearing faggot.

Opie was almost tolerable when had decent guests on while he and Jimmy were together, and he burned that bridge, and replaced it with 3 cackling nobodies.

His own show consisted of hacks laughing hysterically over a jocktober host who pretended to be something more. I'm shocked it wasnt a huge success.

"Hey this is Opie here on terrestrial radio. Yea, I'm stuck with Opie, it's been my name since I was 12 and even though I could've changed it at any point in my career I didn't. Yea, I love being back on CBS, making $38,000. SiriusXM didn't know how to treat a guy." sniff

Wasn't he going on and on during the "Jiz Show" thing about how if Fez got one more week before he got fired then "he was fawkin lucky" because he bilked SXM for four or five more years than he deserved.

Then Jim explained that when they fire people they usually do it over holiday weekends...

How poetic.

Jim explained that when they fire people they usually do it over holiday weekends and vacations...

Wow, how prophetic

His talent, or lack thereof, didn't get him fired - he broke NY State labor laws, and possibly committed a felony if there's audio.

But it was the best show on the channel. That's what every Opie Raqio listener (retards) say. Who didn't enjoy Opie being himself, free of the shackles that Jim had him on. Free to let loose, laugh, scream, be himself, steer the ship in the direction he actually wants.

Opie, Sherrod, Vic and Carl were the new Rat Pack of modern comedy radio. How could they do this to Opie. The mass exodus of his listeners will have a huge impact on Sirius. Just like Anthony did. Sirius better keep their head on a swivel. Consequences will never be the same.

Lynsi better lock the fridge because Opie is going to be

But it was the best show on the channel

Talk about damning with faint praise

I don't know what you're talking about.

Opie did a great solo show with those other guys every day.

He lasted about 2-3 actually. He's been dead in the water for months. It was just a matter of them finding a way to can him.

No more food talk with morons.

Trust him guys, he's been doing this fawwwking dumb radio thing for 18 years

Honestly, I'm kind of sad. Opie losing his show has no effect on me since I almost never listened to it anyways, I was hoping his flameout would be way more spectacular.

Although if he does somehow ever end up involved with some kind of show again, then this might be the best way for him to have gone out since I can point out that he lost his job for gay sex crimes over and over.

If not, I just sort've feel like he had a murder-suicide in him and I looked forward to mentioning his big meaty tits in every single related news article comment section, and current events call in show.

It would have seemingly been better for him to get canned due to unpopularity, but beyond as you mentioned the sexual aspect following him forever, it's also more difficult for him to spin in his typical delusional manner.

having to appear on Compound Media is pretty decent door prize because he obviously thought himself so far above Anthony's empire of dogshit.

Pretty smart move on Opies part tbh. His ego is too big to allow himself to get fired. So he does something stupid so they have to fire him.

Reminder that none of these retards can do their own shows

Opie never figured out since the merger that Sirius is a much more stuffed shirt organization that XM was (for a lot of reasons, one with XM was their corporate offices were never in NYC). It's not a frat kegger Opster. I don't think Scott Greenstein ever wanted to see you doing naked beer bongs in your office/hallway.

It's a moot point now, but I remember thinking a couple of weeks ago- why didn't Opie just have the YKWD dream team (List, Gomez, Soder) or some variation of LoS be his regulars? He could've had a show that was genuinely funny and popular, and if he did that, I'm pretty sure he'd still have a job today. Instead he went for a bland show that nobody like or was excited about.

They would have targeted him for jokes like they do each other and he would have turned on them

"Look, management fawking came to me and asked me to retire eurly, and I said, 'fine'. sniff"

Todd is still on his own. He outlived opie and Anthony.

Looks like those battle tested microphones live to speak to more moms with sick kids yet again.

fawkin h8erz

Doing radio since he was 18 years old.

Lasted 8 months "on his own".

18 years and 8 months.

18 and 8


1 x 8 = 8

8 months "on his own".

Stay woke.

And, like Opie, is a horrible liar.

You guys think he downed a 6 pack of grapefruit beers that day?

It would have seemingly been better for him to get canned due to unpopularity, but beyond as you mentioned the sexual aspect following him forever, it's also more difficult for him to spin in his typical delusional manner.

having to appear on Compound Media is pretty decent door prize because he obviously thought himself so far above Anthony's empire of dogshit.