Deeply unpopular opinion: this whole Opie firing has made me realize how gay this sub is.

0  2017-07-07 by mchiseing

Mostly due to the fact that you don't realize Opie and Anthony (your gay heroes) are both in on this and knew he'd be fired. You're also making the fat fag Roland into a hero even though he's obviously in on it too. I'm no longer surprised that there was an OnA fan caught on "To Catch a Predator" you all are the bottom of the barrel of society in terms of perceptiveness and common sense. Also none of you have been very funny even with the ammunition of Opie's "firing" and you're just reveling in another person's (fake) misfortune which makes you both gay and retarded. Also I hate Opie too probably more than you.


Opie will be just fine. Bob Eatman will make sure of it. It's Vic i'm worried about.

Vic will be fine, he's buds with Ron White. Sherrod on the other hand...

Sherrod will be fine. Chris Rock will make sure of that.

Like being homies with Ron White means having a career. Vic is not funny or likable, period.

Who's bob Eatman?

super agent

Tune in to Race Wars next week. Ope and Sherrod and I will discuss the future.


Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! I'd be there too if I could make it!

Fo sho! We'll get you on.

I realized how gay this sub is the first day I started posting on it.

As a man who spends time browsing /r/Advice_Animals and other gay subs and never says anything funny himself I'd say you're not exactly a qualified source to comment. In fact, you're a boring faggot.

Good one! I only saw that post from r/all and it was funny when I posted it. You're a typical faggot like what I'm talking about. I see your gayness here all the time.

If you're so fucking dumb you think that Opie isn't just a retard who got fired in a worthless, vain attempt to make a viral video, then you might actually dumber than he is. Congratulations, that is an epic feat.

Ok genius so this is just an innocent spontaneous post?

This is a time for drinking and shit posting you stick in the mud queerbag

This account is 1 month old and belongs to an extremely unfunny man. We might have finally found Joyomi's new username.

Wow you're a fag. You mad bro?

Nope. People who can't handle criticism from nameless, faceless fags on the internet are pussies. I'm just manifesting the evidence that points to you being a boring fudge packer.

You become a bigger fag with every comment

His post history is pretty hilarious. He's a trump hater who also hates gays but loves Opie. Bick Bickerson comment?

/u/bick_bickerson You're busted

Oh shit Opie got fired?

Show me ONE example of me loving Opie you lying faggot cunt.

I really can't imagine coming here if the Opie bashing bothered me enough to comment. Many times it makes up at least 75% of the content.

Good one Bick!

Hence why I come here. It doesn't bother me. You're more retarded than I thought.

Did you ever get a new job, Bick?

I'm not talking to you anymore you retarded faggot.

Hi Bick.

I honestly blew everything off to go on a massive coke binge to celebrate.

You're just realizing this now? Where the fuck have you been all this time? We've got to be one of the worst fanbases on the planet.

Yeah these masterminds are quitting high paying cushy radio gigs to go sink their personal savings into podcast money pits. Jokes sure on us you dumbass.

Very serious: where did the music for the jazz it up videos come from?


Was hoping to catch Opie violating a copyright or paying a company for content.

How many accounts do you have, Bick? You keep upvoting yourself.

Was actually thinking the same thing about you. All of your comments get two quick upvotes and then are downvoted. Stop calling me bick I'm not in on your faggy joke.

Hi Bick.

Obviously he has at least 10

Nice edit to your comment fag. At least I've posted something.

Hi Bick.

Stop saying "hi bick" you fuckin retard

I'm proud I was the first to call him a faggot in that thread too.

Ha you're rage-stalking this thread because I pointed out you annoying faggotry that plagues this sub.

Hi Bick!

Don't associate me with this asshole

You're a fag too

You eat human shit.

Good one fag

Go eat shit and die in that order

Make out with a running lawn-mower fag

Oh, lighten up.

You're a meanie

Good one fag

/u/bick_bickerson You're busted

Show me ONE example of me loving Opie you lying faggot cunt.

Hi Bick.