Reasons Why We Stopped Loving Opie...

0  2017-07-07 by OpiesInnerCircle

Once upon a time, most of us loved Opie and, then, most of us got turned off by him. Let's list the reasons why that happened.


When he didn't fight for Ant.

You're a faggot if you didn't hate him by then.

Be that as it may, while I still liked Nopie shows far better back then, I wasn't posting on here about him raising Bam's kids or his huge tits, or all his other foibles.

1. I believe is that he didn't go on Anthony's show immediately. We had no idea about the problems between the two. To us, it just seemed like he was turning his back on someonewe were under the illusion was one of his best pals.

The fights with Jim, especially telling him that they weren't that close.

Little by little, circumstances would show that he pissed off people around him and treated them like shit and took no responsibility for any of it.

The frat boy persona that got magnified once Anthony was gone. I hate frat boys, don't you?

Well, for one, he isn't smart or funny.


Making us cringe every time he discussed music. He seemed to have no affinity for hard rock music, like Sabbath, Rush, etc..., but was "all in" with whatever was on heavy rotation on commercial stations. His use of the phrase "deep cuts" for tracks that weren't played on pop radio, but, actually were aired a lot on rock stations. Basically, with music, he came off like a suit Program Director, former frat boy. Yuck!

Sherrod Small. The majority of his fans made it well known that we did not like him, but, he kept bringing him back on, eventually making him a co-host. Talk about not knowing your audience. I'm sure he saw it as a marketing thing to expand to the black audience. Epic fail.

I always thought he was malicious and his mean attempts at humor weren't shocking or entertaining and brought the whole show down.

He cut off Jimmy a lot of times when the worm was in his prime.

He never seemed grateful for any of his success, but to be fair neither did Anthony.

There was a greggshells with dipaolo and bob kelly posted here before, that I remember hearing for the first time, and it just really, really, turned me off to him.

I got tired of his act back in 2005, when I first started listening. I had been a casual Stern listener before and got XM on Directv and got hooked (actually more hooked on ron and fez, but I listened to both shows). I couldn't figure out why two (at the time) very funny guys put up with him.

Carl Ruiz. He seemed fun at first, but then he devolved Opie Radio into a cooking show and bragged more and more about how much money he spent on stupid shit and his belittlement of Paul was the final straw. He's the "talent" and Paul is a servant? Fuck you. Egotistical asshole.

Narcissistic egotist with absolutely no reason to be. He not only offered so little, he was actually a hindrance, intentionally, because of his jealousy, spite, envy, and a complete lack of self-awareness of why people didn't want to fall in line with his shitty ideas of what constitutes good radio. He was dumb, hacky, unfunny, and the threads he always wanted to take the show down sucked, and he didn't react well when Jim and Ant wanted to go in different directions.

The moments that will forever define Opie are the ones when Ant and Jim were being hilarious and making each other laugh until they couldn't breathe. In those moments, Opie was the Feech Lemanna at the poker game. You can hear a thousand examples of this.

His tender ego caused him to try consistently to ruin the only good things about his show.

No one loved him, ever. The consensus was that he always sucked. The "Opie sucks" chants date way back to the first live shows. Every smart listener immediately recognized how he sucked the energy out of any comedic situation.

Like every marriage, her tits started to sag. She wasn't the same gal anymore. Whining and nagging contributed. But what it really boiled down to were those god damn saggy tits.

Opie should get the old band together.

I forgot...he allowed Opie Radio to be turned into a cooking show.

His own description of how he acted at Steve C's funeral. Definitively killed the myth Opie like to promulgate that he was a nicer guy behind the scenes.