I hate Jimmy Fallon more than Opie

4  2017-07-06 by Anarox

How did this passive aggressive manchild get his own show? This is a man who got offended by Don Rickles ffs. Jesus christ what a dweeby cunt.


I think /u/stinksskc did coke with him in a bathroom once. Blame him for not taking care of the problem.

Damnit stinks!

He stole stinks mojo. Stinks would have been a star!

I have about equal hate for both. But what's the story w/ him getting offended by Rickles? I need to know this.


Here he looks very irritated

Thanks. He's a fucking hack cunt and I truly hate him very very much. The fact that he's sitting in Carson's chair is a fucking crime. The chair that Conan fucking earned. As did Letterman btw. Ive pretty much always disliked him but it was when he did his "tribute" to Robin Williams... when he fucking pandered for the audience and made it about himself trying to show off his impression skills.. literally pausing for an applause break.. then straight back to being fake choked up... I'd truly smile if he died tomorrow. Fucking cunt.

I read somewhere he drinks and becomes even more of a douche on a too frequent basis

Fallon sucks at a lot, but he is much more talented than Opie. He can do impressions, sing and write jokes. Opie would give his tiny little left nut to do any of those things. If I had to choose one to live on a deserted Island with I'd sacrificially bring both to make sure neither were ever heard from again.

You mean you don't find his constant giggling charming?