Alright let's clear things up. AMA.

0  2017-07-06 by CarlRuiz


I'm here too.

Wish you werent

Where's Sherrod?

He's in Scott's office tap dancing and singing upbeat negro tunes from the 1920's

Stalking Luis J Gomez to make sure he can force himself into his next production.

Fuck you dumb hillbilly lesbian

Who is this?

Post a picture for proof, or fuck off.

And clear up what, exactly? Opie got fired. It's over.

I'm not giving you assholes pictures of me to photoshop bald spots and mock us. If you don't want more details about everything that's cool. Fuck you.

youre already on twitter and constantly have your photo taken with the food you cook, stop being a baby you chocolateless cunt

It's because it's not him dummy.

ya kiddin'!

its funnier if we think it is, fun ruiner

There are ten million pictures of you already on the internet. If anyone wants to photoshop you, they already can. See:

do you take shits at work?n

clear things up

Like tables after brunch?

Good one. Yes I'm a chef too hahahahahah so funny.

Chef Boyardee considered himself one too

If the rumors are true about your finances, not for long.

I'll start. What's the best way to slow cook pork using a conventional oven?

An entire ham?

Well, I guess we both know the best way a ham gets cooked ahaha

Hi spic. What the fuck is so funny all the time?

You've done this too many times already. The post history is funny though.

I've never done this. What's so funny?

He might be talking about the AMA I did. I don't know.

you both stink

Vic was good on the show.

vic stinks and so do you

You're not wrong.

Why were you on the show? You aren't interesting or funny.

Our show was great. There were just personal problems at the end. I really regret making a big thing out of the chocolate thing.

You being on every day makes me not even care that it was canceled.

Hi Carl, #Big fan! Does it make you feel uneasy that since you are overweight and when you finally lose your restaurant due to competition, you wont be able to climb back over that wall?

Carl, how did you develop that canyon-sized gap in your teeth?

Why do you fake laugh so much?

Tell us how you really feel

Hi carl, #Big fan! Does it still make you upset thinking about those chocolates that were hilariously slapped onto the ground? - you fucking cry baby

Hi carl, #Big fan! whos meat tastes better? vics garbage truck steaks, or opies dick?

You look like you smell horrible.

Hi carl, #Big fan! dassabeso?

How many of your relatives fit on the refrigerator door that floated over here?

How many cameras did Opie have hidden in the bathroom and toilet and why hasn't he been arrested yet?

  • You are an awful person who runs a failing deli.
  • You are the least entertaining person on the planet.
  • You're not funny.
  • You're the only person I am aware of who lies more than Opie.
  • You're a morbidly obese overbearing cunt whose daily presence fueled the hatred for the Opie Raqio Show which resulted in his termination.
  • I blame you and only you for Opie's termination.

It's beyond pathetic how quick you were to throw Roland under the bus and ruin your friendship with him.

I hope and pray that after you're forced to close your strip mall deli that you and your family become homeless.

Don't forget what a cunt his wife is.

Bert Kreischer and Craig Gass lie a lot, too.

Did you keep pair of opies dirty underwear some you can remember what his balls smell like?

can I fuck your butt?

are you Jewish?

Ok you guys are assholes goodbye

Lmao eat a dick

Why did you come into the lions den without thicker skin?

some guy put this plan into play ten days ago to pretend he was Carl. That's funny and sad. And pathetic that he couldn't have at least tried a little harder.

If this is you, I don't think you're a bad guy, I just don't think you belonged on a comedy based show. Come to think of it, neither Opie nor Sherrod should have been one, too.

I found hair in my taco.

I'm not giving you assholes pictures of me to photoshop bald spots and mock us. If you don't want more details about everything that's cool. Fuck you.

Good one. Yes I'm a chef too hahahahahah so funny.