Can some kind peckah put a live stream up of Jim & Sam today?

6  2017-07-06 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Seeing as how it's a momentous occasion n all. Would be good to listen live for us Limey faggots who don't have access to Sirius.

Also I'm a limp-dicked nigger retard. Thanks.


do you think they'll actually address it? you'll have to sit through a few hours of breakfast orders, last night's struggles with ice cream and masturbation, hot takes on current events and finally they might let you know that they aren't sure what's going on either.

Yeah, just wait for a clip. Tucker Carlson made fun of trannies last night, so Sam probably wants an hour out of that.

Well they are mentally ill people who cut their own cocks and tits off. I like hearing from people that have a similar opinion to mine. Why should we adjust to accept the behavior of crazy people? Your gender isn't a choice and only a lunatic would think otherwise. Sure I like the nice sheer feel of women's panties too but I'm not going to have my prick removed.

That last sentence slated me.

A trial Sirius account is free.

Tried. It doesn't work on my phone.

What phone you got? Does on mine in UK


I'll have another go. It was coming up with an error saying it can't download from the AppStore in this location. Fuck knows.

Thank you sir.

very welcome!

Thanks dude

very welcome!

Yeah your fault for getting a phone which restricts so much

Literally the only thing in this instance it is restricting is somebody breaking the law. The app not being available to people in the UK isn't the fault of Apple, it's because Sirius can legally only provide it to a market it's allowed to broadcast to and Apple have regional app stores. Google play etc don't have location locked stores, so even though Sirius want it prevented from being used in other countries, they can't have it.

I can't download it via google play either.