so they both got fired for taking pictures of people against their will

284  2017-07-06 by fish_flower

that's kinda funny


Neither ever took responsibility for their actions either.

ME: I called him a fat spic because that's what he was!

There's a deep seeded problem with HR in the radio community. Try to address it and you'll be exiled to sexualassaultville. But it's real.

The jump to sexual harrassment lawsuits in that community is astounding

Does this end with Sherrod and his fat tongue crying to Kurt Metzger, saying he wasn't there when he needed him, while Kurt is facedown in a mound of coke?

I miss shitting on Metzger.

well there is a vacuum for a new target

How's he doing these days, the height of his career was getting mentions on this broad and get caught stealing jokes for the big Amy show

No one knows, race wars decided to have half their episodes behind a paywall along with kurts musings. They made sure to not increase the quality of the guests, or have less than 9 morons on at a time, so everyone quit listening.

The racewars subreddit has been dead for almost a year.

Don't forget that all 9 of those people are talking at the same time too. I don't know if I'm out of the loop as to why that show crashed and burned or they just ran out steam, but I use to love it. I even paid for the patreon and what's behind the pay wall is no better. I held on for a few months, but it turned into nothing but very random and less than inspiring chit chat.

They realized they couldn't get Ann Coulter on every episode and every comedian they had on was proceeding dumber then the next. That and the idea was a rip on a Burnt Chyrsler podcast he did with Matt Mira.

idk that cuck metzger fella is a real cuck i cant take someone like that srsly, and his co-host is a sherrod so is having less people in better we would never know

Lets assuredly hope it ends with both Kurt and Sherrod face down dead in a pile of black bloody shit with flies crawling across their dead eyes. Imagine sherrods whale tongue bloated even more than it is. Imagine kurts psycotic Palestinian suicide terrorist eyes hazed over and lifeless. Good times, fellas.

Easy there Damien

No, it was for saying a person deserves to be shot and killed and for filming in the bathroom. Completely different things.

Not a person but a whole race

Two dottering old men trying to take up photography after their midlife crisises

Is dottering the same thing as doddering?

One is a word and one is something that you thought was a word.

But why fuss when somewhere, Opie is sad. 😍

Dottering was the next thing on the menu at that famous Lemon Party. Right after the oral treats*.

*(TM) Jim Norton 2001

did sherrod's on air admission lead to this? that would be dabesso

"Just fuckin and incriminatin an shit." -man with a tongue two sizes too big.

"I saw it and make a copy, er, nobody saw it."

Opie, the 21st century Robert Mapplethorpe

More like Andres Serrano


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Both old men who got fucked over by technology.

If Opie started making racist comments on Twitter, and exactly copying Ant, but making it about Australians instead of blacks, he could get so much respect.

they both had it coming long before and needed to give adequate pretense

This just gives SiriusXM an out to not pay him his remaining time to October.

they both had it coming long before and needed to give adequate pretense to Sirius

You mean "pretext," you trying-too-hard-to-have-human-opinions-ass motherfucker. "give adequate pretense" doesn't mean anything.

You try too hard

No, . I'm pretty sure posted about googling words I wrote while stalking me on reddit before. So you googled this and realized it was wrong and went on.

"trying-too-hard-to-have-human-opinions-ass motherfucker" The fucking cringe

No. I'm pretty sure posted about googling words I made up while stalking me on reddit before. So you googled this and realized it was wrong and went on.

These are not sentences. You have a learning disability.

Also, the great thing about not being illiterate is that I don't have to use google to know when you fail at words. Because I can speak English.

This is a Dunning-Kruger kind of thing. It's OK that you don't understand; in fact, it's inescapable!

Pretense is accurate in that sentence, and reddit shitpost typos are a reach for an insult because I angered you about something in the past.

This is you being angry because of the complications of being a brown skinned man living in Britain and being hurt so bad from past posts I made, that weren't even directed at you, that you follow me on reddit for 3 months straight.

You're claiming to be a brown-skinned British man, now?

I'm a white American. There's no such thing as a "brown-skinned British man" because brown skinned men are not and cannot be not British. Talking about learning disabilities... you are not British and never will be and you are angry about it.

I don't think English is your first language.

I speak the qweenz English innit mate?

-a non-White person on the internet who thinks he is British because his parents moved there from the third world hellhole that is his true cultural inheritance and place of belonging

Pretense is accurate* in that sentence, and reddit shitpost typos are a reach for an insult

The word you're looking for is "appropriate", and no it's obviously not. "Pretense" is a word that sounds a bit like the correct word to use in that context, and because your brain doesn't work properly you got it wrong. You do this every day. Because you have a learning disability.

Also, these are not typos. Your fingers aren't hitting the wrong keys. Your brain is telling you the wrong words to write. Because you are stupid.

All this petty tryhard nitpicking about nothing because I made you angry. And your skin is still the color of shit.

Every single day you try to use simple words which are, somehow, still above your pay-grade.

You are a genuinely stupid person. I mean, you clearly have emotional problems and assorted mental issues, but you are also really, really fucking dumb.

Ironically, this is the single fact that you're capable of communicating!

You will never be British.

You will never speak English.

I really, really love watching you squirm on this issue. "Brown-skinned British man", LOL

Dude, there's no way you're going to trick me into sending you a picture of my delicious Nordic hog.

Fool me once, shame on you...

nobody cares about you shitskin

Ahah! That was an ad-Eminem attack! By the Rules of the Internet, I WIN, SIR!

You've been spewing weak ad homs and very long posts in response to mine for literally 3 months now. And I haven't really noticed you the entire time. Do the math.

he just posted this. He is F5ing this sub like a lab monkey clicking for a crack dab

Keith is getting O&A shirts made up as we speak.

I hope Ant 'goes to bat' for Opie, just like Opie di.... Oh yeh

Ant was drunk last night so some emotionality is understandable.. but the long game awaits

It's all quite poetic really.

Only difference is, nobody is going to report about TITS. That irrelevant cunt. Oh how marvelous!

hopefully Chauncy Haden does

And on almost exactly the same day. Weird how life works like that sometimes...

This is why I don't shit at work. Eat lots of fiber for dinner and have a coffee in the morning first thing. Stay safe out there fellas.

don't shit where you eat, and we all know they eat at work

roland eats everywhere though

Also, everything

Keep your camera on a swivel.

Bathroom break? I aint got time for bathroom break, I got work to do.

Even in death Opie shows what a hack he is.

What Anthony did was legal though, unlike Opie.

Opie did something lower than Anthony.

Ahhhhhhh, this makes me SO happy...............

But Ant was innocently taking pics. He wasn't recording fat guys.

Better yet Opie was fired for a poor attempt at being funny.

Just perfect.

The biggest mistake for the o&a brand was going to sirus xm. Who was pussy culture before pc was this prevalent.

They didn't go to Sirius XM, they went to XM and it was great before the merger.

Oh didn't know that. Did they do the baby bird thing there?

Yes at XM

Anthonys downfall was from those people he doesn't like because of their behavior and coloring. Opies being a model,mathematician,ship captain went down from the total fat,bald,creep that believed in Santa until he was thirteen. Jimmy its your turn what will it be?

Learn English.

No, Go fuck your nigger loving cunt mother

Jim's different. He likes having a job. He'll figure a way not to get fired.


How many likes on twitter will opie get when announces he is gone?

He should do a video, he can finally go viral

The same week

Yeah, but when Ant got fired it was on Drudge. When Tits got fired no one cared. At all.

It's like poetry, they rhyme. Each stanza sort of rhymes with the last one.

And in the last scene they replace old Opie with young Opie.

at around the same time. wtf

I'm sorry I stopped following opie when ant left. What picture did he take that got him fired?

opie is feigning positivity right now on twitter, and probably thinks he'll get some real serious offers for podcasting or whatnot. We know anthony couldn't/wouldn't ever pay enough and no one else could possibly be interested in this owns a ton. today has been amazing babes <3

I speak the qweenz English innit mate?

-a non-White person on the internet who thinks he is British because his parents moved there from the third world hellhole that is his true cultural inheritance and place of belonging

Every single day you try to use simple words which are, somehow, still above your pay-grade.

You are a genuinely stupid person. I mean, you clearly have emotional problems and assorted mental issues, but you are also really, really fucking dumb.

Ironically, this is the single fact that you're capable of communicating!