Opie should have really went for that 5 year deal

84  2017-07-06 by FlashVirus

At least he'd be paid for the next several years without working. Sniff


He's an idiot. It was the last time he was ever going to be offered that kind of money. Everybody knew it but his dumb ass.

He took the old negotiation tactic of threatening not to renew until renewing the last minute anyway, gaining absolutely nothing every contract season.

It's how he lost mornings to Jim. So hilarious

The best part is he does that ever single time. You don't keep pulling the same negotiating tactic over again.

You could tell after the Jim fight when he was trying to explain it as the "oldest radio trick in the book" or whatever gay cliche he used, that he simply can't comprehend that doing the same thing every negotiation makes him look predictable and stupid and renders him powerless

You mean this time last year when he went away for this exact week instead of negotiating his contract that was running out in October?

Maybe he thinks it end differently this year. Who knows?

Don't let that door hit you where The Good Lord tit ya!

If he gets fired for cause his contract won't be paid out.

True. Sirius did the same thing to Anthony when they fired him, so they're obviously are bold and greedy enough. However, if it's just three month's salary in this case, they might throw him the money to make it a clean break.

Greenstein: "most of this is from my personal funds"

"I would never endanger FactionTalk"

Better Call Wiki.

Did Anthony's lawyers get him paid?

Pretty sure Opies contract stopped being octobers 3 years ago.

Now he can get that sweet morning FM gig he's wanted for years, right? That's why he signed these short term deals!

He could just have switched channels. It's entirely possible he's not fired just moved from the channel like Jim wanted from the get go.

I havnt paid any attention to Opies twitter page latley, but as of right now, there is no mention of SXM on his page

HR involved/related firing would probably be sufficient for termination of contract.

He won't even get paid the rest of this contract. He got fired for an HR reason. That's in breach of his contract's ethics clause most likely. Even if he tries to contest it he will lose.

You mean this time last year when he went away for this exact week instead of negotiating his contract that was running out in October?

Maybe he thinks it end differently this year. Who knows?