What if Ant's master plan is to completely snub Opie now?

2  2017-07-06 by TonyFromLongIsland

Maybe he'll go to bat with a whatever effort to Keith the Cop? What would you guys think? - Ant's P.R. team.


Fat chance. Ant is Afro-Sicilian. He'll take advantage of anyone to make a buck.

I want Ant to cuck Opie big league. Like, he hires him on but he treats him like shit. He forces him to do horrible things. I want Opie to be treated like the faggot he truly is. Maybe Gavin gets to fuck him live daily.

Even though I know this'll never happen and Ant will no doubt bring that oestrogen-rich sloth aboard his sinking vessel, the idea of Ant having masterminded this entire thing is fucking mouth-watering. Imagine - him befriending tits again, gaining his confidence, showing a bit of leg and then when Opie really needs him - BAM! Whatever Effort! I would make love to every pockmark on that tranny-loving face of his.

You said BAM in bold all caps.

I sure did bud!

So did Lynsi.

I think he will hire Opie, but only to play the long game of getting closer to what in his eyes is Gregg's rapidly growing daughter that will soon be ripe for the picking. He will ultimately get the last laugh by putting his greasy, pock marked hog into her vagina days after she gets a driver's license.

It would be great if he has Opie as a guest on Monday to muck it up and they announce they are joining forces and this place goes nuts. Then on Tuesday Ant comes on alone and says it was a fake contract they had Opie sign and he can go fuck himself.

I would sub to hear Anthony tell him he's fired as Vince.

By sub I really mean wait until someone puts it on Youtube with the proper timestamp.