7/5/17 Never Forget

132  2017-07-06 by ReviewGuruChannel


This is an A1 picture

vurrry good pic

Roland has really slimmed down, and he handles that gun like a pro.

I'd like to see this pic with Roland's monster face looking to camera.

His death was more slow and painful and he ultimately shot himself in the head. This picture only spreads the misleading rumor that he was not responsible for his ultimate demise. Please strike this from the record.

Does anybody have footage of an overweight, overbreasted man fucking up hanging himself and using his last breaths in the noose to blame everyone else in the room?

The guy on the left has less of receding hair line than Op does currently.

Would be funny if only opie got fired but they kept that tongue guy, Ellen, and the guy who dropped chocolate but still called it the opie show


Helloooo Opieee

Prisoner Executed During the Tit Offensive Colorized, 1968

You must be on /r/watchpeopledie video of this was just posted today, no way that's a coincidence!

Well I'm sure it's a relatively new picture that hasn't been used before this week

So that's your thing? You just steal other people's material and post it as your own?

Ya, sure.

Why are you mad, baby boy?