If we are to believe Greggshells is really gone do you think the staff, hosts, and frequent guest comics knew ahead of time or had an inkling it might happen and it might explain their recent behavior?

3  2017-07-06 by [deleted]



Jim and Sam knew at least since last week, from there i believe Jim told a couple of the "exclusive" comics of opie radio (Vos), Paul w/Erock had some awareness of it, and Sherrod/Vic/Cuban had no clue cuz Opie tends to leave radio partners in the dark.

Too bad he can't leave his dark radio partners. In the trunk. As he drives the car off a cliff.

Waaaait cut dat part out...

He fucking scorched them

Opie is going to get Scorch's old job in ManchVegas and the circle of life will be complete.