They have removed all replay episodes from Opie Raqio, all other shows still have them

113  2017-07-05 by peopleforgetthat

sniff speculate, speculate


you serious? oh shit!!!

That's not how a butt works, let me kiss it. Seriously though, Opie gone dog?

On this blessed day, we are all known here as opieisafaggot for it is this name we have been handed down, pecka to pecka, the name that represents the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the farce. So say we all. Love ya, miss ya.


Don't go breaking my heart now. This better be for fucking real.

I need proof. But then again when has this sub ever lied to me.

No its still replayed morning before Jim and Sam

He means on the app.

The Sirius website still has a 5-8am replay listed on the schedule.

It's been updated. No Opie.

Are you talking about the schedule or On Demand?


Can confirm, no listing for Opie Raqio On Demand. All other FactionTalk shows still up

Same here.

Looks like his on demand episodes are Gone.

Fake. In that picture it says you may also like Ellis' show. That's impossible to like.

fake and gay

It's a cruel cruel summer (for Opie)

Can someone confirm this. Ah peckas

I can confirm this is true. I really hope this means Opie's fired.

His show isn't even listed on the Faction Talk page at all. Did they take it off or were they too embarrassed to ever put it up there?

He's off this week so there's nothing to replay. He's back live Monday. His morning replays are back then too.


Usually there are about 7 to 10 shows available on demand. There should still be some "live" ones from last week.

Fingers crossed then but the siriusxm website's schedule has no listings at all this week, live & replay next week, and best of on Monday morning. That sounds pretty specific. Although maybe it was like that already before the bathroom thing.

What I meant though is if you go to the Sirius website and look at the list of shows that they have on the Faction channel, he's not even on there either. Not just the replays.

Check my 8:30 link in the updated post. I left the tab open until now but he was still listed there - starting next week - at 8:30.

But not no more lol.

Oh happy day.

One of you should start a parody of "People of Walmart" but with "People of Opie Radio Twitter Feed". The proud Opie Radio swag posts are hilarious.

Not all.

Sorry old sport. Dave, in the metaphorical sense, is not home nor does he think much of Gregg "Opie" Hughes.


Not only did they remove all episodes, they removed his show completely from the list. It still shows up on the "Schedule" tab but that might not be updated yet, we'll see...

After all the bad blood between those 2 I would never think they would do a show together.The O and A magic is gone! If they got together it would be a colossal failure.

I would never watch or listen. Opie is too hated.

holy shit... you sickos really did it.

my hope is getting up

They replace the channel programmer with someone who does not suffer from hearing impairments.

I would only relisten to those episodes if I forget the recipes.

He's out the fucking door!

I looked up to Monday. All it says is faction talk where his show was. Here's the link to the faction talk page

Sound the horns. He's through.

Holy shit holy shit. It's different now than it was an hour ago. Oh shit my dick's hard now.

Don't you DARE take a picture of it and post it here or anything.

Christmas came early fellas.

The On Demand app only goes back one week now, and doesn't include "Best of" anymore. Jim and Sam best of for Monday and Tuesday isn't listed either. Since tits hasn't been live for a week, he doesn't have any shoes available to listen to on the app.

  • Since tits hasn't been live for a week, he doesn't have any shoes available to listen to on the app.*

Tss hope he has boots available or flip flops or whatever I dunno

Yep, it's gone. Holy shit. Did the recent HR incidents get this guy fired before his contract?

In an odd turn of events, Opie gets canned around the exact time Anthony did.


The fourth of July....fourth


the Opie and Anthony show had (four minus one) three members.

One - The length of Bobo's Penis.

Bobo fucked his brother and also likes the mets.

Opie likes the mets and Anthony fucked his brother.

The (((answer)))) is clear.

He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it.

He means on the app.

On this blessed day, we are all known here as opieisafaggot for it is this name we have been handed down, pecka to pecka, the name that represents the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the farce. So say we all. Love ya, miss ya.