Why so many Peckas?

7  2017-07-05 by The-Lunger

It's 3 o'clock on a Wednesday. Why are there almost 800 people on this sub right now? The numbers have seemed different lately but this is very high for a small amount of shitting on Tits this AM.


They heard how handsome I am so they want to know more about the disgraced ex mod Griz

Ex mod? Sounds like some hotshot liked playing by his own rules.

ahh, I member the meltdown.

you became drunk with power

Remember when you doxxed gilgore. Haha I'm in the know.

That nigga doxed himself we all know that

CNN is getting ready to dox all of us

They have 600 indians working on the case, but they don't get much done due to the language barrier.

Let's make them feel welcome by raping our women and shitting in the streets. Who's doing their part?

I shat in my backyard garden once when the whole "Poo in the Loo" indian campaign came out. I was in my mid 20s. I'm not proud and it was not fun.


Titz and Zitz are approaching the event horizon of their "Careers" and it's pretty entertaining

Where we're going, we don't need comedy to laugh

Titz and Zitz are approaching the event horizon of their "Careers" and it's pretty entertaining

Wigger rich

Maybe this is Kumail's Nerdist army here to defend his honor.

So many peckas and no one comments on anything because they're scared of the bruuutal responses.

Fag. Get AIDS.

Tss so many Peckas you think we're in a chicken coup or sumthin tss tss

I noticed that yesterday as well. We had like 1000 people on here last night. Did some blogger-cunt write another article about us?

A university is studying us like lab rats.