Greggshells being stomped in break two

87  2017-07-05 by Dennyislife

Mark Norman won't be back


"Anybody that gets mad about chocolates being slapped out of their hand shouldn't be on a comedy show." - Jim Norton

Eat shit, Carl.

Carl is replying to the Jim and Sam tweets but it's not in any kind of English do who knows what he said.

"Are you jumping off a sinking ship?"

"Of course. I'm Cuban, that's what we do."

Holy shit he made a good joke. This is a historic moment.

Cubans are sneaky fucks.

Fucking rafters.

That is pretty fucking funny. I don't understand how that clever rejoinder came from the mouth of the man wearing this shirt.

Get it!? Because he eats meat! And it's even funnier because he's holding a plate of meat! It's like "hey, look out -- this guy likes a good steak and he doesn't care WHO knows it!"

There's hope Gregg Hughes stumbles onto a good line yet.

Then i guess Carl was on the right show

I was certain it was a cooking show.

Good point. There certainly isn't any comedy.

getting mad about oatmeal and egg preparation, now that's a different story

Details you faggot.

I don't want to spoil the goodness.

How many people listen to this shit?

Not as many who have seen the Roland video

So it sounds like the bathroom video of Roland involved him somehow being naked.

And Greggshells thinks this is the same as standing at a urinal and waving.

Do you have to strip down to shit if you're morbidly obese?

The gentleman does not wish his clothes to become stained with sweat as he gives birth.

Hahahahahaaa. Roland is proof that our empire desperately needs to crumble already.

This is the most astute thing this sub has ever said.

He likes to be unencumbered

ask your mom....oh sorry that was mean.....please ask your mom

100%. He probably waits for the handicapped stall to be available so he can hang his pants and hold onto the cripple handrail while he desperately tries to wipe his ass.

He'd need Shaq sized arms for that.

It's hard to excrete the kidnapped children you ate.

I take my shirt off at the very least, isn't this normal?

Although, one time I was at my mother in law's party, and I came back into the living room with my shirt still off. That was tough to explain.

Sure it wasn't a girlfriend or fiancee's mother's party?

I'm guessing Roland is one of those kids that pulls his pants all the way down to his ankles to take a piss

I don't know if this qualifies as a smashing, nuts it's the closest we've got to one from Jimmy.


What guests? Vos? He and Bobby are the only two they'd want.

all regulars are paid by opie plus vos and bobby and gold and so on get paid per appearance w implied exclusivity

haha vos confirmed this?

Hersch da ting...

I'm pretty sure he actually said, "call me b4 you do they're show or don't do it at all."

It's infuriating that neither of you could spell out "before".

Jim won't say, but he's referring to them as his friends.

It's Vos.

(((Richard Elohim Vostein))) would never make a decision based on money.

I don't think a Jew would have Elohim in their name. That'd be sacrilegious.

prove you're not one of them by carving a swastika into your face and posting a pic

Good lord. Opie is truly a piece of shit.

New /u/WiggerRich diss when?

I am recording this now and will edit this comment with the URL when it starts uploading. Someone might beat me to it cause I am kind of late but should have it up soon. Anyone know about how long they talk about it for?

You da man, Braun.

Most the second break.

Thank you sir, if you manage to deliver this link in a timely manner I'll even be kind enough to let you jerk me off.

You think braun man

No youtube says they are busy processing the video. Figures.

Should work now

You're the man, thanks

I just listened to most of it. Thanks dude.

Braun is a magical dude

Braun,you can come over and fuck my sister.

Braun is holding this sub together with his AVclub skills and Stinks is our official PR person.

You're so great. Thanks!

I didn't know J&S were live today. Figured they took the whole week off, and I couldn't bring myself to tuning in to see "Best of Jim & Sam: UFC Strawweight Donya Pzchkezski" on my pad data.


It's uploading now, should be about 10 min:

Thank you for your service

Opie's shitty work ethic bit him in the ass again, they brought this up this morning and now Opie can't respond in 3 hours because he went on vacation all week. Hopefully we get some messages in the sand ASAP

Gotta tweet about fish, brotherman.

lol that's exactly how he's going to respond. Tits posted a pic of him already at the beach this morning

Head on a swivel

I'm sure we'll get a mysterious, cryptic video.

I hate that Jim had to preface the chocolate situation with "I actually like Carl" - that's irrelevant, worm.

Keeps the hate directed on Opie. Good move.

Mark didn't say anything that bad but that paranoid fuck will never talk to him again.

I can already hear Opie alluding to the fact that they did that today because he was on vacation, and how they tried to ruin his vacation but "he won't let that happen."

The destroyer was beaten down and assraped today.

There's hope Gregg Hughes stumbles onto a good line yet.

I don't think a Jew would have Elohim in their name. That'd be sacrilegious.