Cowhead (Mike Calta) is taking over Opie's spot once his contract finishes in October.

2  2017-07-05 by Nulltor


Colin Cowherd?

hes on fox sports with his own tv show

I heard his contract finishes in October as well.

that would be dumb to place a sports show right in the middle of a "comedy" station

Obviously my sarcasm has gone undetected.

well you weren't being sarcastic. You said name similar to cowheads, then pointed out his contract ends in October as well. You aren't good at sarcasm

Lol Cowherd's contract doesn't end in October though.

Anything would be better than this:

lol that's a laugh track for retarded negroes

No, I dont think you are getting this. The radio host 'Cowhead' is taking over Opie's spot on Faction once his contract expires in October.

Lol I heard you the first time in the other thread 😉

Can we just agree that Mike Calta is replacing Opie?

I'll take your word for it.

Faction is done in October

Why bother? Replace one local yokel wacky morning zoo hack for another. I'll go with the guy who's made his career in Boston and New York over the New Yorker who's been stuck in Tampa his whole career.

I dont know why these decisions are made, or whether it will be an improvement or not. All I know is that Mike Calta is replacing Opie in October.

I don't find his show to be Zooish. For terrestial, and all the bullshit hoops they have to jump through to try to be entertaining, it's one of the best I've heard.

Yeah. It's actually good from the interviews I've heard him do. I just felt like being a catty cunt.

Evidence please

I read it on an online talk radio based message board. There are a whole bunch of threads and posts about Mike Calta replacing Opie.

Good enough for me

Its not important. What is important is Opie is leaving in October, to be replaced by Mike Calta (aka 'Cowhead').

I have a feeling you read it on /r/opieandanthony.

It smells fishy to me.

That's the one.

Bahahaha. You replied to a 2 month old thread that was an obvious shit post. I dont even know who Mike Calta is.

I just commented because I just saw it dummy. Why would you make stupid false statements of fact if you didn't even know who he was? People like you annoy the world #gfy

Oh yeah? The jerk store called, they think your an oblivious cunt.

Haha. You fail at life

Keep replying to two month old posts, winner.

Hello Pot, I'm Kettle.

Hi pot. Rumor has it you're a faggot.

And you have now proven to the world that you are a bigot. Nice job.

Bahahahahahaha, ok, seriously you win. Either you are an 8th level master troll who is playing me like a marionette, or you are severely retarded. Either way I concede defeat.

First of all, you started this nonsense because I posted a link to a story that didn't jive with the incorrect information you posted. I stumbled upon this thread because I was searching for something related to Mike Calta. I read your numerous responses to other peeps where you were quite adamant about Calta's contract ending and him replacing OPIE. I hadn't heard that, so i decided to research it to see if it were true. That's when I found the story about Calta signing a 5 year contract which disputed what you were posting.

I didn't attack you or call you wrong or even call you names. I just merely posted a link.

I'm still not sure why that pissed you off so much. Who cares if it was a 2 month old post? What's wrong with setting the record straight for other people who might stumble upon it too?

If anyone has "trolled", it's you buddy.

Oh my fucking god your obtuseness is infuriating. This is tiresome and we are obviously not going to reach any form of consensus here. Go do something else. The O&A sub isnt a forum for discussion so much as it is a cesspool of hatred and bad wordplay humor. You dont belong here.

I'm still not sure why that pissed you off so much.
It didn't piss me off at all. I thought it was hysterical that someone would respond to a two month old obvious shit post with evidence that contradicts my claim.

If anyone has "trolled", it's you buddy.
Yes! Exactly! The point of this thread was to post a completely unsubstantiated claim and then argue it with no evidence or argument that would support the claim. I am sorry if you didn't detect my rhetorical position here.

We have wasted enough of each others time for one lifetime. I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. Please, just go away.

I'll be back in 2 months to tell you how much of a fucking douche bag you are.

I won't remember you. You are just some random retard.

Oh yes you will. People like you don't get butt hurt over dumb things like responding to a 2 month old post and not remember that shit. You're entire life is probably dedicated to the internet and a dumb radio program. You are probably just another worthless piece of shit living in your mom's basement with a keyboard, mouse, and internet connection. Enjoy your shitty life! lol

Bahahahaha, you are angry.

I read it on an online talk radio based message board. There are a whole bunch of threads and posts about Mike Calta replacing Opie.

Yeah. It's actually good from the interviews I've heard him do. I just felt like being a catty cunt.