FACT: Opie filmed Roland shitting without his consent (a sex crime)

172  2017-07-04 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Lack of a sense of humor made Opie think this was funny. Opie wanted to post it to social media and Roland had to beg him not to.

Then he got mad at Roland for going to HR, and Paul for not having his back. Opie is a narcissist, and a pervert for filming Roland shitting. Who gets off on a video of Roland shitting?


I can't wait for the Law & Order: SVU episode based on this.

As the judge's gavel comes down repeatedly and in slow motion, a crying Gregg Hughes is seen in hysterics across the judge's podium. Hughes' lawyer Dominic Barbara tries to explain away the situation to Hughes, but it's clear it's all too late for them. 10 years in the clink for filming a co-worker defecating the previous day's cronuts.

Hughes (through his tears): but your honor, I did nothing wrong. It was all in good fun, I was just trying to do tha bit.

Judge: I'm sorry mister Hughes, but I have to discipline you for what you have done to Rolando Campos.

The judge stands up from his seat, on his way to his office he turns back for a moment

Judge: word of advice Mr Hughes, next time you want to do something similar, you should just leave it alone.

Vurry good.

Thank you, sweetie.

Not bad but also not worth the effort.

Thank you professor, I'll try better next time.

Man, you blew a golden "Your mom's box" moment.


Shitting Victims Unit

If filmed for the purpose of sexual gratification, then a sex crime. If filmed in a lame attempt at humor, then an invasion of privacy, but not a sex crime.

nonetheless, Opie is a fucking freak who should be fired

He filmed Roland's penis and butthole. Sex crime.

More like a crime against humanity.

I'm willing to batch to the tape in a deposition if that helps Opie get locked up.

So can I rape your ass if I'm not turned on by it, I just think it'd be funny?

Yes please.

Anthony just wanted Sue's semen up his ass for the lolz

It's just a prank, bro.

From what I've read on /r/opieandanthony, which all jokes aside is probably a fairly strong authority on "sex crime" laws, all of this is above board as long as you can verify that you are maintaining your erection simply on the grounds of humor, or if you are using drugs such as viagra or cialis (as a prank, of course)

Don't spoil our fun.

You have to sign up as a sex offender if you are drunk at 3 in the morning and take a piss at a playground.

Exactly, so why not just fuck a 6 year old? You are going to be a sex offender anyways.

Just wait till he starts going off on how the justice system is all against him.

Never thought Roland would be the victim of an upskirt video


The same person who thinks it's highly hilarious in smashing up Sandy Kane's guitar. Without any thought it might have sentimental value etc...

Opies defence ... WE PAID HER!!!!

He completely misses the point when it comes to humour. He's like some annoying frat boy that's now old with tits

Sandy kane guitat smash was funny af

You see one retarded brake somebody's shit video you've seen them all

Sandy kane guitat smash was funny af

It makes perfect sense that the sort of person who liked that bit writes like this.

mobile and don't care

Gym regular and healthy eater for 20+ years was barely strong enough to smash the thing too. Almost as pathetic as his feeble-bodied destruction of a pinball machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRMkMyztMFE

Are you suggesting Gregg Opie Hughes is sick with Coprophilia?

"An abnormal, often obsessive interest in excrement, especially the use of feces for sexual excitement"

I'd believe it. He was always asking about stripper's "doody holes" and would often bring conversations around to shitting. He's the beach shitter after all!

ME: ...where the POO comes out!


Most obvious of all: Baby Diaper Mustache

A man with tits filming people shitting in a public bathroom - the republicans warned us this will happen

I think you mean THE NAZIS!


drumpf will surely be impeached by tomorrow now

he should be

I don't understand the process behind "yeah, a fat man shitting will definitely make the Viral Spiral..."

He practically used Roland as his Phil Margera.

The People VS Gregg "Opie" Hughes

If he did not shit, you must acquit.

Hope it was within 500 meters of a school

If Roland goes full asshole (i.e. like with Master Po's dog) then Opie might have to register.

Please tell me New York makes you go door-to-door to explaining to your neighbours that you're a sex criminal.

Yep. And if the board in your building doesn't approve, you're out. He might be forced to sell that apartment and move to the Island, or Westchester.

Alone, that is. If he's a convicted sexual predator, Lyndsi is GONE.

I know a guy who is a level 3 sex offender for doing the same thing...shame.

I just keep picturing Opie try to explain this to the cops - "wait wait hold on!". An amazing lack of objectivity from the Opster.

"Who gets off on a video of Roland shitting?"

....doesnt make you a bad person

Scheisse videos with the shitty Opie Raqio manhole cover intro.

"Who gets off on a video of Roland shitting?"

Opie, the coprophiliac.

And me... a little bit. Come on. No one else gets hard thinking about Roland taking a shit? I'm alone? Bullshit!

I just got hard thinking about a bull shitting.

Before, during or after the prep?

"Ever shit on the beach?"

He's definitely on the spectrum.

Out of the 3 hosts how the fuck is it Opie that ends up the sex offender?

The irony!

I want to see Opie get locked up and Lindsey will leave to live with Bam.

We can all agree that this also classifies Opie as a pedophile.

Opie is a rapist

FACT: during the cereal fight of 2013 Roland told Opie, "I'll turn you in to HR for 'Abuse of a Mexican.'"

Opie has pobably been sexually abusing Roland for years now. He eats to hide his pain.

Wouldn't it be great if the police are called in and Opie is arrested, serves jail time and when he gets out he has to do probation and register as a sex offender?

But who would pick up Bam's kids from school?

Prosecutor: Did you film this man using the rest room?

Opie: Leave it alone.

Prosecutor: Where were you when this incident occurred?

Opie: I fawwwwkin said to leave it alone. This is why the lawyers are ruining this business.

What the fuck won't this guy for a viral video?


Shit, that would have helped make my point.

I wonder what Vic Henly thinks about at night when he tries to fall asleep

I just rang sirius and said im cancelling if he doesnt get fired i urge all you cunts to do the same, justice for not standing up for Ant.

Sandy kane guitat smash was funny af

Please tell me New York makes you go door-to-door to explaining to your neighbours that you're a sex criminal.

Gym regular and healthy eater for 20+ years was barely strong enough to smash the thing too. Almost as pathetic as his feeble-bodied destruction of a pinball machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRMkMyztMFE

The irony!