Bill is doing a video podcast now - SFPWCHASWWDNNM(Safe for people who can't handle a strong woman who don't need no man)

8  2017-07-04 by Ant_Sucks


In other words, Nia isn't on it.

so its watchable?

Yeah it's pretty good.

you miss your wife on Sundays that much?

really? I was wondering what was that thing you were talking about in the title.

My boyfriend took umbrage with the fact that after a long stretch out of town, he came home to a house that was in less than great shape.

"You couldn't clean the kitchen?"

Comments like this would infuriate me. "HOW DARE YOU!" I would screech. "I'm a goddamn FEMINIST! I'm not here to cook your dinners and be the housemaid! If you wanted Susie Homemaker, you got the wrong MOTHERFUCKIN' girl!"

DAAAAYYYUMMMM! Dassastrongwoman, complainin' and fukkin

How could you resist a gal with offensive lineman arms?

Was it filmed on one of these?

Easily pre-scan for Nia appearances.

It's pretty good. Pretty rare for a guy to be able to hold his own during a one man show.