This picture was taken on a normal sized plane.

37  2017-07-04 by Ant_Sucks


They had to sit in the first row because neither could make it down that aisle

The Rosa Parks of giant elephants.

So fat she had to have a special plane made to accommodate her.

I love dogs, I've always loved dogs, but seeing really stupid fat white women holding tiny dogs makes me hate them, just for a minute.

If that plane goes goes down, it'll take out the entire northern hemisphere.

yeah, it's a bloatisnic missile and shisnit

There would be a mass extinction event.

hope the pilots last name is Atta

Yeah and his first name "rattatat" Right?

Good one, Jim.

Their center of gravity will doom the flight.

Has NASA been notified?

NASA already know about planets.

Collective nouns take on singular conjugations.

Well fuck me in the ass with a dirty rake. Who knew?

People who graduated middle school.

but you're only in 7th grade

They can take on both. Americans tend to use the singular conjugation, British use both.

No, poor people who didn't pay attention in school use both, but any mildly educated person in the English speaking world knows that collective nouns are singular.

Wrong. You're wrong. Stop being wrong.

Poor. You're poor. Stop being poor.

Ah yes, the "hang out with a fatter person to look less fat technique".


was that a Michael Malice style intentionally incorrect correction?

it's dangerous to front-load a plane like that.

Don't worry. They added counterweight in the back seats.

30 crane counterweights?

At least the comments are kind.

Yes....and the "dogs" being held in the lap of the beasts....those are are full grown, 240 pound wolves from the radioactive woods of Chernobyl.

Bitch on the right looks like John Goodman when he played Linda Tripp on SNL.

I can't wait for the tv series on that scandal in 2019

Nigga offering personal training lessons.

Haven't heard a peep about this sow since her new movie flopped. She's done.

Is it just me, or is the plane really tilting to the right?

Is it just me

Probably not

One of the comments said "in flight snack" lol.

Delta Burke Airlines

Getting an even fatter friend to make you look skinny, oldest trick in the book.

Artie actually looking a little better here, good on him

this twat still flies private? if I were her I'd save that money and fly commercial, the career is looking pretty bleak

She has a "blonde Sam Roberts in drag" look going on there.

I've heard about this where the ultra fat and wealthy charter private jets and eat pets. The laws on land don't apply up there.

I didn't know they had airplanes that could convert to livestock carriers. TIL

The comments on her pictures are brutal!And that's not even the comments from this sup.People really hate big Shum!

Jet Blew

Cause it needed da money.

That's actually a C5 galaxy they are on.

When did Amy and Greg Valentine become bff's?

I bet that plane is barely three foot off the ground

Typical fat, american pigs.

Don't worry. They added counterweight in the back seats.

People who graduated middle school.