Gay couple with adopted refuge daughter celebrate their wedding anniversary

80  2017-07-04 by Dennyislife


the best part is that neanderthal sam is cropped out of the picture

he should be cropped out of every picture

Mary Jean looks like she's about to be ignored in a threesome.

That beer is awfully close to Jim... Hopefully he didn't relapse

She kissed Jim with beer on her lips. Back to rehab for Jim.

Jim's an addict to being a former addict.

No man, I mean I get what you're saying but really you never stop being an addict. I know, "Get over it, enough, it's been 29 ye-" but really that addict mentality never goes away. Whether it's sex or work or fuckin' food you shove in your stupid fuckin' face, the addict mentality is always there. deep nasal inhale Ummm, you know it just is what it is. And I get it, if you think I'm full of shit, okay! That's your interpretation. But I'm telling you, the addict mentality never goes away.

He just loves that it has dic in it.

And some hefty antibiotics.

Jim might have had a fucking insane teen alcoholic problem, but come on; a beer won't make you relapse into an alcoholic coma.

Was every producer of O&A a wrestling fan?


I feel like Mary Jean may be legitimately into Jim, but he's too much of a queen to realize it. Like yeah Jim, the retarded, vaguely attractive adult film star who I found only like 3 videos of on Bing, and once shoved a fist up one of your producers asses is too good for you...

"Nah, man, it's not like that, it's just a friend thing which is nice once in a while."

I feel Mary Jean may be legitimately into Jim's wallet

You mean to tell me you don't look into their faces and believe that true love can be possible?

She's the one, the one that's gonna take half.


Regular Joe Chip?

Jim's a cuck. He pays her to tell him about how she only fucks other guys and not him. He probably invited her along in hopes that she would leave with one of his friends

I think you are correct. That lucky fuck!

It's weird, it seems like Mary Jean is the woman Jim's been waiting to come along his whole life and he's completely not into her.

who I found only like 3 videos of on Bing

Dude how does this "star" have like no good videos out.

who I found only like 3 videos of on Bing I hope they bribe you with plenty of Amazon giftcards, buddy.

Travis is a non person

This needs to go in Motivation sub.

Whores cant do good radio.

Unless she's Crystal Clear.

Jim likes her cause she looks like a tranny.

Is Jim wearing fucking socks?

Toe shoes.

Travis is such a needy fag nobody. No wonder his fucking wife is so awful.

Is she? I don't even know.

She's a fucking cunt count and he's a fucking dipshit loser who is so fucking needy it makes you sick to look at him. Balding fucking nobody.

geez pal, tell us how you really feel

A fucking near mongoloid grown man wearing an Austin 3:16 tee shirt. What a fucking loser

Hosp you really gotta get over getting shunned by the ron & fez crew 9 years ago. It's s sickness you gay Sean Connery

I have no idea why anyone would hate Travis. Name one flaw. I dare you.

He just flat out sucks. Terrible on the radio. He was just an awful suck up. You look at him and he is totally punchable. That wife, oof.

I love jim's just out of the cancer ward physique.

I hate Jim Norton's unearned self comfort and complacency. Wearing frumpy white socks out on a balcony while he's hosting a party and posing for a picture.

It's the same with stinking up the studio with eggs every morning even knowing that it bothers guests. But he continues anyway because he's complacent at the level he's at.