An O&A classic: Independence Day

45  2017-07-04 by aleon33


Who? heeby kikeburger?

You would be DEAD without my boy David!

"Be careful, you're trying to get on two and a half men"

Tits always there to grind the funny to a halt.

Apparently this clip never made it to Judd Hirsch because in number 2 he was completely the same

One of the few o&a bits I felt I could share with others

Loved it when Patrice called out the part when Will Smith said he could fly the alien space ship because, *I've flown against them, I'm familiar with their maneuvering capabilities.

And then he says they can coast right in with a 50's model spacecraft.

That guy was gud.

It's like if a turtle pulled into your garage in an Edsel

that line and the "knocked out his outfit" one are the best in the clip

I'm a pilot. I belong up thaaare.

I like how they wrote a virus that somehow attacked alien's computers who managed interstellar travel and they somehow delivered that shit via an apple laptop. Did they have fucking USB plugs in that shit? Is the alien mother shot on windows 95? Utter Horseshit.