Drunk man on plane complains about sitting next to obese slob who claims to be a model

33  2017-07-03 by crookedmile


I would keep her at home and not ride any planes.

If anything she should be riding in the cargo area.

I would like to nude wrestle with her in a kiddie pool filled with mazola oil.

So this unlovable fuck prying into his personal communications is to be lauded for outing this guy for his thoughtcrime?

The real highlight is showcasing this guy's great sense of humor ("It looks like she ate a whole Mexican").

I want to know which sub member it was.

It's me guys.

Congratulations on the press.

Cool shorts.

What a dumb cunt, keep your eyes to your own phone you pig

wait, so he wasn't telling her she was a slob, but was texting someone about her?

Yeah, she was looking over his shoulder. It probably happens a lot with her

She thought he was eating

She even tried to get another passenger involved in her bullshit and the guy had the best response: i'm in my seat, completely (see photos). i am crumpled into a ball trying to not bother. i'm just so upset. i asked the other man to my right if he'd switch me and told him what the man was saying about me and he said laughed and refused.

That's a true patriot right there.


Masculinity BTFO! How will they ever recover?

She should buy two seats. Why should everyone suffer because she likes to stuff her face with shit?What a selfish ass.

She was so ashamed, she tried the whole flight to make herself as small as she possibly could. Um....maybe you should keep that going for longer than a couple hour flight.

Drunk man complains about sitting next to obese slob who claims to be a model.

Ant and Opie?

NOBODY likes a fat piece of shit on a plane. It's the only place where I thought humanity agreed that fat shaming should be accepted.

Being morbidly obese results from the conscious, repetitive choice to feed an addiction that is every bit as deadly as drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes. But where is the outrage for shaming drug addicts, alcoholics, or smokers?

The difference is you can hurt others with those addictions, which is worse then causing mild discomfort.

Nevermind me rage on...

Heart disease is a fat-shaming lie made up by white Trump supporters.

she said she witnessed texting offensive comments about her body to one of his friends

Hang yourself and cause a decapitation, cow

Here's a better picture.

Beaches love whales.

plus x3 sized model

She's a fucking monster.

Did you think we might not be able to figure it out?

Jesus Christ put that thing in with the luggage.

Didn't Kevin Smith have to buy 2 tickets and even he wasn't as fat as her.

The airline should have forced her to buy two tickets. Not even joking.

Quick, throw water on her, keep her moist.

The girl on the left is actually a fat cow too. But you can only tell if you put your thumb over the one on the right.

I think she broke that couch. Look how heavily the cushion is slanted

Amazing how everyone has become so fucking phony. Despite those superficial smiles, everyone in that studio who isn't fat is thinking the same thing and yet says something completely different.

I'm sure she understands his discomfort with having her body hanging over into his space. But she found a way to make herself a victim so she blocks it out.

The guy didn't say anything wrong other than "I apologize."

It's 100% acceptable to fat shame her in the privacy of your personal communication device that you pay for, and it's your responsibility to call this shit out, she's in an exit row? Ok, great, now everyone's gonna die in the crash cuz this Mexican eating dump truck is blocking the exit.

Fuck this cunt and her self entitled bullshit, put down the turkey leg dipped in ranch dressing and unfuck your life choices bitch

Did they say she paid extra for a seat? Then proceeded to sit in the middle??

What pisses me off equally as this bloated cunt is the retards commenting who didn't seem to read the fucking article. Bitch invaded his privacy and should've caught a harpoon to the dorsal for that

And this is national news. I saw this on CNN Facebook, the comments section there was refreshingly similar to this one

Drunk is the only way to fly.

I liked her comment at the bottom, "I spent years and years building a social media platform based on body positivity", did ya? Maybe you should of spent years and years working out, you fat pig.

It's either should HAVE or should'VE, but never should OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.

Fuck off you annoying cunt.

Gayest bot on the site, ain't that right Ludacris?

kikey jewbots like you should of been gassed in the holocaust.

It's either should HAVE or should'VE, but never should OF.

See Grammar Errors for more information.


"Plus size airline passenger invades privacy of man texting. Is offended when it's about her." /r/nottheonion/

Operation Dumbo Drop?

She's a sofa model.

What does she model for? Gastric bypass?
