Look Who Showed Up to Jim's Party

170  2017-07-03 by EncinoEscobar


both of them! Roland wearing his finest Umbro shorts too.

Shorts look like an overfilled sausage casing.

"I love Itallian sausage, heeeheeeeeheeee."

He had them pressed and starched.

Ew. Jim is that one guy who makes everyone take off their shoes before coming in.

He has a no shoes rule but all the guests are sliding around the floors in lawn furniture.

What kinda redneck barn animal wears shoes in their own or anyone else's house

It's 21st century and you Americans still wear shoes indoors, what the hell? Doesn't that bring a shit ton of sand and stuff in your home? I never understood the logic behind wearing them in your home. Won't your shoes smell like hell if you wear them all the time? And it can't be good for your feet either.

USA is not sandy and gross like the middle east (Europe) and everyone has maids here

Like streets of New York are clean and tidy, with all the homeless people shitting, puking, spitting? Gum, dog shit and so on. It's not about where you live geographically dumb cunt, it's the same not matter where you are. Except for the homeless, hardly any here where I live but that's MURICA for you.

I'm sure they are discussing how profound a broadcaster Opie is.

Lol. Outdoor chairs in his apartment? This party is worse than I thought

to be honest, would you really want to sit on any furniture that cant be hosed off or is a permanent fixture there?

Real furniture is reserved for the trannies stopping by.

It's that or a fist.

If I had Roland over at my house I would have made him sit in an electric chair.

Would ya?

Camping chairs check,Make people take off their shoes check,Use restroom in lobby check.And who the fuck would own a white sofa?

I was gonna shit on him for that, but one of those flimsy-looking chairs is holding Roland's full weight, so I guess he spent serious money on them.

Ah yes a millionaire hosting a party with camping chairs in his Manhattan living room.

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Was he supposed to buy them recliners for this one off event?

He should've kept all those yogibos he bought for no good reason.

This certainly wont make Opie paranoid

Jimmy just ruined his holiday weekend. This is all he's going to be thinking about.

The fact that Jim is going out of his way to smear his face in it by posting this on social media. It's perfectly clear what he means.

That he's passive aggressive and is hoping his remaining fans do his dirty work for him.

It's a cold war.

It's cold out.

strange b.d.

Well go inside.

ME: I-I-I beg you not to take Jim's side on dis one, Eric.

Opie's therapist is going to buy a new yacht from this video.

Sam's hair looks awful to feel.

Why would you wanna feel another mans hair?


This is great.

Sam has a tattoo? Jesus christ he's a mongoloid.

Which one was visible? Was it the sweet White Zombie one or the tracing of a Jack White autograph he had tattooed on?

He has Jack White and Rob Zombie's names tattooed on him...

Doesnt he have Hulk Hogans dick tattooed on his lower back?



The whole party seems to be just to fuck with opie. I love it. Even mentions he had to film a second video making fun of opie's bathroom filming bc people were "gossiping" during the first video.

How much Opie bashing do you think is happening right now?

How much Opie bashing do you think is happening right now?

On this board? Not enough

Fuck that milky breasted queen

I don't know what's bigger - his delusional sense of self worth or his sagging breasts

That's the spirit!

Board? Did you come here from Wackbag?

I said bash Tits not me

I'm sorry I did that.

Probably a lot, because they can't stop thinking about him.


How much Opie bashing do you think is happening right now?

Me: The fawkin guy is plotting against me.

I hope Paul spills red wine on that white couch. Beautiful view, actually. 60k at least.

You think? Monthly, or just the price for the apt? I feel like Jim bought his.

You missed it /u/InHell1979 you big, fat pig

alright RELAX you fucking dumb cunt!...

Ya fuckin' mustache cunt!...

Im not even that fackin fat you fackin dumb audience membah!

he owns.

Perhaps a little more than that.

Who is this?

The guy who is only at Jim's "party" because that passive aggressive worm wanted this picture on Twitter.

Leave it alone. Trust me. SNIFF


Did jim know Paul before his thing with opie?


I think he worked on Sam's show first, i don't know if he knew Jim but he knew Sam before Opie.

It's a work guys,duh duh Hulk Hogan.

It's to get Opie ratings n stuff.

There's big $$$$$ in mediocrity

I don't even have anything snarky to say, I just honestly can't believe Jim is letting people drink alcohol in his apartment.

His sponsor is going to have a long night.

Deep Discount will always be there for him.


"You drank a beer once when you were 16. Now stop badmouthing the movies in your live reads "

"Train Spotting? Why don't yah train him to make a good movie or sumthin?"

You didn't like Trainspotting, Chip?

NO! Everyones talk'n all stupid, eaten tea and crumpets and shiznit.

yep, I can already imagine the long considered descriptions of his urges

The smell is achohol vapor alone can send him down a spiral of addiction.

I FAWWWWKIN 'knew it.

fucking lawn chairs? Id rather go to a party in Waco Texas

I think that's another shot at Opie in someway. Not sure what makes me think that.

Thats bachelor jim having to buy chairs for more than him and a lady friend

"Lady" friend

Next contract negiotiation Jim and Sam should demand an office.

While Opie sits in the hall.

next contract negation opie won't be there

"The party is in full swing and only one spilled beer so far." And surely one broken chair. (Roland)

There is so much to shit on Jim here but so much greatness too. It's wonderful.

Wow. He got pretty lucky to get a view like that. Fuckin' nice Jimmy!


Looks like he has MS in this pic.

Who is the fucking rectangle headed douche?

"Hi, my name is Jim Norton and I would like your most precarious candlestick holder please."

Jim is such a bitch. I love it

This dunce makes people take off their shoes

Jim and Sam still have a spot open after the exit of the two dunderheads, dbag and Adrian. I would love it if Paul showed up with his cameras when they got back from vacation.

Say what you will about Jim, but he has beautiful furniture.

Ant should get some tips from him.

Club Soda Kenny said this right before filming;

"Y'know why I called him G.H.?.....Giant Hooters."

opie's driving to the aquarium now to draft his response

Arguably the funniest line in the whole thread. Nice.

Who is it?

I like how everyone has taken their shoes off

Who is That? Got no idea

Jim is on top of the world. This is Jim's big year. He got his radio show, he's got a hit podacast under his belt, and his enemies are being vanquished.

His t-cell count.


There goes my hero, watch him as he goes

thought americans wear shoes indoors

So Jim's in on the bit

And yet Ant isn't there. Why the fuck does Anthony have to like Opie when everyone else hates him?

Opie couldn't attend this party, there's so many problems in this room.

I had to CTRL+F to find this. I had a feeling somebody else came to the same conclusion

It seems Opie's staff was forced to work for him. They r all at Jim's party. There will be another Ester Ku moment but with no one left in the studio

Can't wait til Vic and the Cuban turn on him.

Who the fuck is that faggot?

They smile in your face

All the time they want to take your place

The back stabbers


Who is he? He looks like a fucking retard.

Would ya?