The Mad Cuban and his shitty chocolates

56  2017-07-03 by JespyZero


I desperately wanna slug his sponge bob teeth out of his disgusting face.

we le tough we le mma we le warroir we le smesh

Ironic le meme talk means it's not gay. Kill yourself, fag.

lelol we le smesh we le make le memeable chinless le memeable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! le jim le wear le wig so le fawking wacky le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Triggered faggot.

le waxxxky comedic bit le triggeredkee fucnny memeable leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

U mad.


U mad.

maaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh leeeeeeeeeeeee wacky tranny bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! snowcuck be leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee caution myyyyyyyyyyyyyy leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee danger tape around my leeeeeeeee mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U mad.

le crapperson le super original le epic le not steal from other le comic aka le comedians le jokers le super super wacky le tranny le chicks with dicks aka le super funny le morton fella le shit on his chestt le supra funny le 30 years ago le lol lelol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So mad he replied twice.

le super funny double reply le "we haerd le" bit le super funny teff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U mad.

He's kinda growing on me.

le mad serra le didmt read le smesh gsp le super funny le -9009 favoyrite le smseh got le weltaweight title le gsp le gay franchie le

Lol you're in a retard rage spiral.

le helax bitch memeable jim le top comedic

U mad?

It's one of hunter_cumia's accounts. He apparently is really upset that some people here enjoy or say things that he finds lame, and so he makes it his goal to try and point that out using common meme language as a way to parody it. He's the least interesting iconoclast of all time, and probably contemplates suicide daily.

As he parodies an Opie quote in his username. The only thing lamer than meme speak is ironic meme speak. It is mildly amusing though how clearly enraged he is.

You have a gift for triggering this guy. This has been going on for like two years and a dozen accounts by this point. He's going to show up on your door with a gun someday.

One of the things that really set him with his past accounts was mentioning his medication to him. Do with that information what you will. I'm just enjoying the disparity in effort between my posts with him.

Everything about him screams "The opposite of the Opie and Anthony Show."

Opie really didn't fit in with anything that ever went on there except screaming at retards.

I love how he's making a Chip face.

Too funny

I hope an Arab mistakes his teeth for the twin towers.

His shitty teeth are like Sherrod's stupid fucking tongue

Nothing is worst than Sherrod's tongue, he thinks it's cute.

He's always got a job at Denny's if this radio thing doesn't work out.

You don't think he'll be raking it in with that t-shirt money? /s

Instead of his mom having sex in the house while hes in the porch, its gonna be hes wife.

Dear God, If he gets botulism and dies, I promise to never make fun of Vic Henley........for 6 months.

lol, as if anyone would believe he's allowed in a white's castle

Of course his wife was hitting on would too if you had to fuck an oompa loompa once a month

So mad he replied twice.