
18  2017-07-03 by [deleted]



With his personal investments, he could be worth much more than that.

hoo hoo robin, I've invested in many cat related business ventures

meanwhile Tits is drinking fruit beer out of a can on a beach in Long Island....

He's showing how he's just like us, right gang?

I'd like to think Beetlejuice is worth over $1million

coo be

he claims to be

If i were Howard I'd pay him more than Opie just to factually say Beetlejuice makes more.

Hank The Dwarf mentioned that he was making 70 - 80 grand a year without much effort in the late 90's thanks to the show. Beetle was worked much harder, but then we don't know how much his manager/caretaker was taking.

If you were running a radio company would you rather employ 1 Howard Stern or 10,000 Sam Robertses?

That's a lot of chicken nuggets

I'd say Sam is more like pizza, but I'm looking for hamburger.

Meantime, SXM management no longer returns Opie's agents' phone calls, young Paul packed up his camera's and left, Roland took him to HR and will not longer book for his show, and he is in a sucky time slot with no replay. Its not his fault doh.


30 year radio king and still shitting his pants left and right.

200 years from now people will be listening to these howard stern interviews as if he's charlie rose. the artie lange/jackie years will be scrubbed from history, and Tits will have been long forgotten by his heirs


That's just Howard Stern.

Hoo hoo! That's where I was carrying you, Robin!

Three hours later, this is still fucking funny.

Yeah well that's because he fawked with the careers of MORE talented guys like Opie.

Who the fuck cares? Stern sucks.

Generations of Sterns are going to be living the sweet life thanks to Fart Man

and he wouldnt fly Eric the Midget to WWE matches. What a jerk

O&A had a chance to take Howard's throne in the early 2000s but they fucked it up because of Opie's stupid pranks.

Spoken like a true pest

A true pest would applaud the "b-b-b-boys" for their edgy stunt and standing their ground against management.

Remember the Howard Funeral? Ooof

Howard was basically in the right place at the right time; Opie never stood a chance.

In 1990, the median age in the United States was 32 years old. Basically the perfect age for a shock jock to appeal to. By 2000, the median age crept up to 40, and kept going higher and higher and higher.

Basically Opie and Anthony were chasing an audience in decline, they were catching a falling knife. If O&A had their heyday in 1994 things would've been different. But they didn't and it wasn't.

There more factors besides median age. O&A never had the chance to have the exposure Howard did because they were suspend for 2 years as they were climbing to the top.

I agree. I just get a lil' annoyed when Howard Stern crowns himself "the king of all media." If he'd started his career in 2000 he would be doing the 2pm shift in Buffalo.

Haha they are such tards. I guess that's what you get when the man in charge is opie

Yeah but has he ever been invited to a legendary party at the compound?

No wonder Sirius is so cheap to everyone else. This phony took all the money.

This fucking guy is over a $Billion. He's sued every employer He's worked for in the last 25yrs. Him and his legion of hunch-backed money cultivators....fucking properties he owns & investments....

And by letting everyone, except his house nigga, earn dog shit up until 2 contracts ago...this is a money crazed ghoul...if "P Diddy" can make 600M, this monster has to be >$1B.

And he's a jew.

I think Fred only makes 350k a year

I never understood why they took crumbs while he had the whole fucking bakery. Hoohoo took advantage of many talented people over the years and took all the credit. It's why Billy West won't talk to Howard anymore. He figured it out early enough.

Yea, aside from his house nigga....everyone who has worked alongside Howard...from the toothy head producer down to the lowest salaried guy.....

They literally made 1% DOWN to FRACTIONS of a percent to what Howard makes.

$20M/yr = $200K / 1%

On his 20M contract on terrestrial, the Stuttering Johns & those other guys made 20-40k. THE JEW WOULD SEETHE if they tried making money on side....while making $30k/yr.

Howard put an end to all side gigs, the block party for example

Whats this guy own satellite radio or somthin

I don't think that site is accurate. It says Cumia is worth 8 million.

The nose knows.

He's starting to look like Gaddahfi.

Billy West should get half of that. Fucking funniest shit ever was the Marge Schott stuff.

I never understood why they took crumbs while he had the whole fucking bakery. Hoohoo took advantage of many talented people over the years and took all the credit. It's why Billy West won't talk to Howard anymore. He figured it out early enough.

Yea, aside from his house nigga....everyone who has worked alongside Howard...from the toothy head producer down to the lowest salaried guy.....

They literally made 1% DOWN to FRACTIONS of a percent to what Howard makes.

$20M/yr = $200K / 1%

On his 20M contract on terrestrial, the Stuttering Johns & those other guys made 20-40k. THE JEW WOULD SEETHE if they tried making money on side....while making $30k/yr.