Tits is a just a poorly produced parody of himself at this point.

37  2017-07-03 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


*Bitchea Nice keyboard work faggot

He's having a great time with that 4 percent alcohol "beer." Why did he decide to make this part of his gimmick? Its feminine and embarrassing.

feminine and embarrassing

Opie's personality in a nutshell

The excuse is "that's the bit". It's "you can't laugh at me because I'm doing it on purpose IDIOT".

Really desperate attempt to avoid any kind of negativity.

It would be effective if it was genuine -- like if he actually didn't care about what people think of him. The problem is that he does care, a lot.

I mean aren't most beers about 4 percent

feminine and embarrassing.


A true cunt.

red, just like the sunburn on his voluptuous tits

Do you think he flaps them up to tan evenly underneath?

He doesn't like the taste of beer so he drinks what is basically soda pop with a bit of alcohol in it. Like the drink he's holding, he's fruity.

He's not smart, trendy nor fashionable enough to be fruity. He'd actually be somewhat interesting if he were.

That Shiner Ruby Redbird is good stuff.

I was hoping it would fly under the radar and people would only associate Opie's other grapefruit beer with his shittiness, but I guess it's out now.

Well fuck me then.

This is something that the jocks would do in junior high

By the time they were sixteen they'd moved on from wine coolers to Bud Light

I bet he chugged that whole beer in 3 tries, then smashed the can with his tits.

Nothing like a grapefruit beer to go with a well-done steak marinated in BBQ sauce. This man knows summer.

Tweet this at him and see if he understands he's being shat on

He truly is the king of kings

and you're the Queen of Queens....got you sock cuka. ;)


Hi friend! did you create this post while sitting on the toilet at home? or the toilet at work? or the toilet at your boyfriend's house? or the toilet at your mother-in-law's house? or the toilet at the colonoscopy clinic? or the toilet at Walmart? or the toilet at Target? or the toilet at the sex-change clinic? or the toilet at the eight year old neighbor boy's house? or the toilet at your gynecologist's office? or the toilet or the toilet or the toilet or the or the or or or or or row row row your motor boat me fag boy

What are you talking about, you blithering idiot?

Or the toilet at the Pottery Barn? or the toilet at Costco? Or the toilet at the District Courthouse for Jimmy's arraignment? or the toilet at Opie's fixer's house? or the toilet at our house? our house? our house? our house..in the middle of the you street urchin

You're aware that you are the only person who understands these autistic ramblings, right?

Or the toilet at Mario's Pizza & Massage? or the toilet at your grandma's house? or the toilet at Wendy's? or the toilet at Gamestop? or the toilet at your ex-boyfriend's house? or the toilet at JC Penney's? or the toilet at the Pubic Library you nigger loving pubic bone

This subreddit is weird.

Or the toilet at Ralph's? or the toilet at Sears? or the toilet at O.R.S. Studios? or the H.I.V infected toilet downstairs at the Coumpound? or the toilet at Rich Vost's house? or the toilet at the local bakery get baked you loser pot head

You'll keep doing this anytime someone responds huh? Let's see how many of these you got in ya.

you're so silly you nigga loving faggoty ass hillbilly...NOW BOW AT MY FEET FOR I AM OPE..YOUR NEW COCK AND BALLS !!!

You say odd shit to people.

and you like the smell of your dad's ballsack....we're all different son


Or your toilet, or a fox with sox, or in a house with a mouse.

Nah, I ain't that guy, I'm just chippin ya babe.

Hi Opie

Hi there....would you like an autograph, son?

If you could shoot yourself in the head live on Facebook that'd be great, maybe kill some of your "guys" as well, seeing that ugly Cuban leaking from a hole in his head would really just make my day.

..how much in your bank account compared to mine dickhead? I GOT BENJAMINS .... ASSLOADS OF BENJAMINS!!!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE??????

I was just thinking this is exactly something Opie would think was a slam. This guy might be him…

Florentine would not be a fan of 'Ruby Redbird'

He's not six years old. He also doesn't pleasure his wife properly, because he is not 8.

It's not about the beer. He just wanted to show everyone how cool he is sitting on the beach. What a piece of shit

Oh, Opetta...you are one wild & crazy chick!!!

at least drink a regular beer if you're not gonna drink an IPA or something. what a queer

Why is that beer so tiny?

This subreddit is weird.

He's not six years old. He also doesn't pleasure his wife properly, because he is not 8.

If you could shoot yourself in the head live on Facebook that'd be great, maybe kill some of your "guys" as well, seeing that ugly Cuban leaking from a hole in his head would really just make my day.

Do you think he flaps them up to tan evenly underneath?