You're all jealous that you'll never get an invite to the compound

30  2017-07-03 by jaimieand87


He has the brightest parties on Long Island.

The Ape Gatsby.

Out of shape Joe Rogan makes a wild appearance 3:30

Ant's house looks like a days inn.

Gays Inn

More like Gays Out LOL!

Minorities and tards all existing together, it's honestly a bit touching.

Don't forget the transgendered.

Tss Tss, thats cuz he spends all his days innside...sucking peckah's.

Anthony's son, Bobo, is the only likeable person in this entire video.

Howard lets Beetlejuice over Ant's house?

Wake me up b4 u bobo

Taking Sue out for some FroYo.

Hook up your Nintendo in your room. Aunt Ant is throwing a party. Hes making Manhattans so you know its going to get 'adult' down here.

This is the saddest thing i've seen this year.

I'm guessing you don't have a subscription to compound media

Shortly after this video was filmed, Anthony beat Bobo to death with a roll of paper towels.

He was distracting Bobo. "Knock it off, Spade!"

Bobos nurse seems to be enjoying himself.

Disappointed this didnt end with a murder suicide

I can't stand karaoke.

Tss why doncha sit on it or somethin?

Is he still begging for money?

You put the bobo into my 'tard

Good to see Anthonys cousin made the flight over from Africa

Why does Ant live in Long Island? I know there are wealthy enclaves but you'd think if you'd have money you'd want to move away from where you grew up and actually live where things are going on like Manhattan.

Yeah, Manhattan is great, if you want to spend $1 million a year for a one bedroom apartment.

He lives 20 mins from the city.

Rosyln Heights? I'm guessing more like 35.

Wealthy enclaves? Long Island contains more concentrated wealth than arguably any other part of the country except for maybe Palo Alto or Beverly Hills. It has enclaves that are shitty, but it's overall a very wealthy place.

Anthony isn't a Manhattan guy anyway, never was. And for what he paid for his McMansion in Roslyn, he'd be in a slightly above-average two bedroom apartment in the city, which is what Gregg lives in.

A framed Lord of the Rings poster, a retard singing karaoke and a nigger walking around NOT taking people's coats?!? Where the fuck do you begin here?

tfw they all go home and it's a fucking mess and Anthony is sitting there alone in complete silence

Looks like everyone is having fun. Isn't that the important part?

Bobo is the most physically fit person in that basement. Probably the most mentally fit as well.

You misssd the hot blonde @2:50

That's Anthony's 7

She was pushing 9 last night.

I don't understand why he Dosn't have some instruments set up. Even shitty jamming is more fun then stupid karaoke.

I guessed it was a handful of fat old men embarrassing themselves and a one girl wishing she was anywhere else on the planet and I was right. Yeah, those compound parties really are something else!

Anthony's entire social life is in his basement, and only when his collection of misshapen middle-aged sycophants come over to use him for his pool and bar.

At least Bobo is having the time of his life.

Shouldnt the colored be picking up the empties?

Men who wear sandals should be murdered on sight

The Ape Gatsby.