Is the Vos roast being posted anywhere?

11  2017-07-03 by gayandafaggot

im gay and have sex with my dad


Bonnie is waiting for as much time as possible to go by so all the enthusiasm dies down.

Vos said he's trying to sell it to Netflix. He's even got delusions about turning it into a series of Netflix roasts.

He's so fucking dumb. You could tell Jim was immediately confused like "I performed. I didn't agree to this."

Hopefully the first time the Vos roast is being viewed is when he is dead and his daughter is watching it for memories.

Come on. His daughter wouldn't want any memories.

He's trying to sell it to Netflix or some shit - without having consulted any of the comedians who performed (or even Netflix lol). Basically Vos and Bonnie are idiots and you won't be seeing it for a while.

Jimmy was right, he should just post it on his website and charge five bucks

If I had to guess, it'll end up on Seeso

He's going to sell it on his website.

As soon as he can find a shitload of blank VHS tapes and start making copies.

Did he film this ,with his phone too.