Just waiting for the newest episode of the Chip Podacast...

11  2017-07-02 by suchanjv

It really is the highlight of my week.


Sadly has some of the best guests and is the only chance to see Anthony not be his douche-chilling self.

Yes, but it also has that problem where you have to look at Sam's face for up to 45 minutes sometimes. He's a repugnant little fag.

he's best (ironically) as 'straight man' to chip

There's usually not one straight man in the room during the podacast.

I can do without the "visual element" altogether because all of them have a face for radio. I could give a fuck what they look like.

The straightest guest they have ever had on the podacast sucked a man's penis for a steak. Just let that sink in.

It was a teenage boy and it wasn't just any steak we are talking a T-bone so I think we can all understand..

As a skinny-fat kid I 100% understand this.

I hope he does the entire episode from the bathroom.

I love it, except for, oh chip oh chip oh chip oh chip oh chip.

This podcast sucksssss. You fags actually like Cumia.

This week was a little weak. Just Ant and Jim on the show. It fell a bit flat. The call-in was a corpse.