Reminder: Luis J. Gomez is still a minority

0  2017-07-02 by Single_Action_Army

He may have been a cool cat as of late but I can't condone non-whites on this sub in good conscience.


Luis is a good egg. One of those "organic" brown ones that no one buys, but good enough if you run out of a good ol fashion white 1

We are allowed to have token ethnics.

He's whiter than a Cumia.

oh shut up fuckface. Anthony is a nigger that you sub to. so it took someone actual balls (and a drug addiction) to speak the truth against the biggest fagget of the last year. I'm Irish American and have more love for Latin people than stuck up WASP elites

Fuckface? Alright, DICKHEAD!

Being a homosexual, you're also a minority and we accept you just fine.

It's not gay if they're lonely.

Luis will take whatever position and act out in whatever way that will garner him the most attention. He's the kid on the playground that eats worms because the girls think it's yucky.

It's ok, he's ashamed of being of being a minority and tries hes hardest to be white.

he could work in a coal mine and still be whiter than anthony

Sir, soot on your skin doesn't change your ethnicity.

i was trying to be funny :(

He had a kid and stuck around, hes one of the good one's.