I don't know DICKHEAD because I don't know what was going on that day FUCKFACE!

37  2017-07-02 by Moveinslience



leave it alone.

You need to calm down, Jim.

Aww no need to yell

Talk to Erik Logan man.... period

I really needed you that day.

Could also be Luis J Gomez

I cannot get over in that fight how he was so ready to split the partnership. Repeating "I've been doing it since I was 18 years old". Talk about foresight, Opie always gets the last laugh.

"Wow you're crazy..."

We're not that close.

Aw, you need to start cursing.

heads of dicks and faces of fuck. Opie has a tiny pecka

"You're insane sometimes" "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!?!"