I love this nigga

26  2017-07-02 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


best president ever

I hate his guts and genuinely hope he has an aneurism or heart attack. Girly boy Max Landis put it best when he wrote "we have reached peak Idiocracy"

Yeah I always turn to literal faggots for my political views as well.

I don't turn to him for my political views. I was simply browsing twitter and saw a true/hardly political comment

It's also ironic that you wrote this while probably being a big fan of Cumia, Gavin, and Milo

So you're defending your open endorsement of a faggot by speculating that the other guy likes some other faggots and the only way you get proven right is if he admits to it.

I don't give a fuck who may or may not be a faggot. I don't even care that you're a fucking faggot

Well i don't think that's a very good argument.

There's no argument going on here. A dude made a point that I found to be true and funny and you "daddy" dick suckers said faggot 20x. Pretty much the end of the story

What else does that rainbow haired twink have to say about politics through the lens of geeky pop culture?

No clue. I simply saw a tweet. Relax yourself

You're such a passive laid back guy thanks for the insight.

Call me the dude and fuck off

I too can only relate to politics through movies and pop culture.

He hasn't even done anything yet that affects your life, so why do you wish harm on him? I certainly do not feel that way for Obama or Hillary.

I certainly do not care who you wish harm upon and I just despise him as a human and think he's a despicable cunt and an embarrassment to the country. And just cause he hasn't directly came up to me and kicked me in the nuts doesn't mean he hasn't affected mine or any of our lives

So what did he do that upset your way of life?

I'm not going into this but almost every single thing he's done or tried to do I'm on the opposite side. But I could get passed political disagreements. It's him that I hate. He's a petulant, impulsive, privileged, fraudulent, lying, fat, sleazeball, cunt, pussy, retard. You don't have to agree but if you can't understand why someone would feel that way you need to get your head out your ass. I don't give a shit about the right and left cause the representatoves on the far ends of each side are basically the same exact people and they're all cunts. This internet culture war that so many of you are obsessed with and feed into and literally donate money to with your clicks and reshares is pathetic and all an example of the ways the internet has poisoned our culture. I hate everybody and Trump had escalated it 100000fold.

All I can say is as long as he keeps pissing off the right people he has my support.

And then when those people respond they piss you and your people off. So everybodies pissed off and hating each other while the 1% pull our strings and extract all the money, but hey, at least it provides everyone with a way to pass the time right?


Have you or Max Landis not seen Idiocracy? They voted for the smartest man in America to be President. He recognized Luke Wilson's intelligence and put him to work solving the country's problems. A few misunderstandings later (it's a comedy after all) Luke Wilson solves the country's food crisis. The people rejoice, and since Luke is now the new smartest person in the country they vote him to be president.

If we've reached "peak Idiocracy" then that means we voted the smartest man in the country, he recognizes talented people and puts them to work solving the country's problems. Then next election we'll vote the next smartest person.

Can't figure out if you're being serious or not but it's very funny nonetheless

Jesus you are one of the most unfunny cunts on here.

That wasn't supposed to be funny you fucking creep

Look at your first page of comments. You failed to type one funny thing. You loser

Go fuck another black guy up the ass you faggot.

Your comedy chops are revolutionary. This is some hilarious banter

Thanks ya shirtlifter.

You criticized my comedic stylings and have yet to post anything even remotely funny. You can even go through your post history and there's just nothing there. You suck

At least it wasn't a Harry Potter reference I guess

See this is like when Voldemort posted wrestling memes about Hogwarts and Dumbledore declared it was a call to violence.

the only reason the holocaust was a tragedy is because your hook nosed ancestors didn't get gassed.

Say whaaaat? Did he just go there? This guys fucking edgy, don't know what he's gonna say next

Wow you stink.

Max Landis is a hack fraud. Has he been involved with one good movie ever?

I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MAX LANDIS. And Chronicle was a pretty good movie but everything else basically sucks balls

Proud lifelong wrestling fan.

you see the tweets? "president shouldnt tweet this to promote violence" fuck off. Its dumb wrestling. This gif is hilaaaaarious. Donald is a bro

1 month ago they would be posting gifs like these to discredit him and paint him as a buffoon, now he's leaning into it and It's treasonous.

theyre just acting like whiny kids. They enjoed that naked statue of him but will be the first to bash a guy for an opinion on how a girl looks. Its just annoying

They had that makes statue up for months, then some guy made one of Hillary and all these enraged liberals started tearing it down and attacking it.

these people are fucking cancer

I can't wait until something idiotic like this video sets off impeachment.

I cant wait until something idiotic like you texting and driving sets you off a cliff

Trump's a fag; but I hope this moment is written about in history books. I bet old Abe Lincoln wishes he had a twitter, too.

About old Abe Lincoln... got some bad news...

He lost his head, you see. It was a very bad accident.

He would have died by now anyway, he lived in like the 1800s

Imagine you're the Homeland Security adviser to the president. You've studied law. You worked your way up the Bush administration. You've headed big time defense firms. You've gained all this knowledge about national defense and security.

Then you are asked to go on CNN and answer for Trump's Wrestlemania tweet.


They even put him on a split screen to get his live reaction haha.

If you can't say, "I don't know, because I'm not on Twitter," then you're not smart enough to be "Homeland Security Adviser to the President."

Also known as "Secretary of Homeland Security" to literate people who vote. (Not you, obviously.)

He's still not smart enough to be where he is.

You, though? You're right where you need to be right now.

LOVE the mediaite!

The girls start to leak milk whenever I see a mediaite clip.

8 years ago Democrats were jacking off to the idea of a president who was so hip he used social media. Now they're panicking at a president with social media and a sense of humor.

How happy do you think Vince was after Trump probably texted him this

Everyone posting about politics on this sub is a fag and should pull a Steve C. That being said it is funny watching all these people freak out over his twitter posts and taking memes seriously.

Did mods shadowban this thread? Can only find it through recently viewed links. Not on any of the OnA pages...

There's no argument going on here. A dude made a point that I found to be true and funny and you "daddy" dick suckers said faggot 20x. Pretty much the end of the story

Jesus you are one of the most unfunny cunts on here.