Three Pigs

25  2017-07-02 by HorsesAgain


Amy looks like a single mom that's trying to get back out there.

Made me laugh.

If she had a kid she'd have an excuse to look so dumpy.

based on boby Kelly's size this was 6 years ago

Dude, it's fucking low-fat dude. - 8th serving

Low fat yogurt is moronic any fucking way, what they do to replace the taste of fat is up the sugar, which is substantially worse to begin with.

Thanks for explaining the joke shithead.

I was not trying to do that or even extend your joke, it's just a piece of knowledge that I wanted to share.

The last time I saw legs like those they were smoked and hung up at my deli. High marble rating.


A whale, a worm, and a pig.

fuck is with jims hair

Didn't you ever see Philadelphia?

Its like if paulie shaved his head


i hate amy schumer so much

fat ugly cunt


How has no-one photo shopped a giant tub of fro yo in Bobby and joke stealers hands? Photo shop is still a thing right?

The fucking concert shirts and things of that nature need to fucking stop already.

When did the singer from Disturbed get so fat

Thats Jims BMW in the background.

That faggot used to call that bmw a truck.

Jimmy has a little muscle in his arms now.

Bob got a large, Jim got a fat free yogurt, kid side and Amy's is already in on the flatbed.

Bobby is double that weight now

Yogurt by you?I have to make my own fucking Yogurt?

damn look at those bags under her eyes

Guess Jim couldn't buy pants that fit with the 60 grand he robbed from his fans that is now in the hands of questionably gendered sex workers.

Is jim a 9/11 survivor?

Id suck amys clit

She looks like contempt and entitlement had a butt baby