Jew Boobs

39  2017-07-02 by [deleted]



Who dis bitch

reptilian israeli lady who rigged the democratic primaries for clinton

She is not Israeli!

Yes she is, and I need to provide no evidence that she isn't.

Me mentioning her nationality, rather than the accusation of her being a ''reptilian'', should strongly indicate a joke to you, fucking one-dimensionaI simpleton!

Jokes are meant to be funny though. Hence my/rest of the subreddits confusion on the matter. Get better at it.

You have no concept of comedy.

Any chance you could phrase that sentence in a manner that's understandable to other people?

Remember, when you're coming up with these witty responses, you need to keep in mind that some effort is required in compiling your thoughts.

name please?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz


The one on the right has no tits. Cancer

those are really nice tits; heavy, orb like and puffy nips ... shame about how things turned out

This is an understatement. I really want to slap those things around while she fingers my ass.

My guess would be that some fine German doctor had his hands in these.

If you zoom in you can kind of see svars on lower side of nipples (old way of inserting fakes)

However if these are real - they are perfect.


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Is that really her? I know it probably isn't but the resemblance is crazy. Fantastic tits, btw.

Look at the shadow the one on the left is casting on the guy behind her. Terrible shoop.

Time is so cruel to women

And so kind to men, life keeps getting better the more I age

Patrice was so right. "Guys get to still be cool after they're 40."

Absolutely and that's not the only thing he was right about. There's gold to be found as far as his advice on women is concerned.

I just recently took Patrice's advice on women, went full Costanza and just started talking to them like dogs. It's a culture shock.

It's fucking shocking when you first start doing it. Holy shit is it an awakening.

I look at this and thank god that I didn't get married yet. Can you imagine dating this chick and being so love drunk that you marry her and have kids. Flash forward just a few years she's ugly and one of the most gated people in the nation. Whoever she's married must be in a living hell.

The one on the left has had kids. Look at those stretch marks.

I thought so too.


uncooked sausage nipples

The jews do not age well

Is that really Debbie?

I believe the proper term for these is "Jewbs".

No the correct term is "Kike Cans"


I still have a girl in my phone as "Jew Tits." She knew I referred to her as that and didn't care. I fucking love jew broads.

Jew boobs - Jewbs

reptilian israeli lady who rigged the democratic primaries for clinton
