Lady Comics: Stop all doing the same shit and wondering why people don't like you

33  2017-07-02 by Single_Action_Army

If 500 French chefs made the exact same shitty, uncooked, unflavorful chicken, don't be surprised when they not only expect you'll do the same thing as a French chef but that you will also be terrible at it.


oh iliza ... you win more friends with honey

Female comics simply don't know how to be likeable. They come across as bitchy and critical.

Wonder why?


What's all the animosity towards French chefs about? But despite the very strange analogy, I understand what you're saying...

Sorry. Should have chosen Cuban chefs.

You gotta cook chicken. Those French chefs are going to be in trouble.

Girls need to understand that talking about there sex life isn't funny, it's sexy unless you're Judy Gold.

Morgan Murphy is a real gem.

I saw her open for Stanhope a few months ago, she wasn't bad.

Actually, French chefs should do stand-up and women should cook.

I was watching Amy Schumer's tv show the other day cuz it was on and I was too high to get up and find the remote, and she really did a whole sketch of her and her lady friends sitting around talking about how bad their vaginas are. It was almost like a parody.

Tss sure ya weren't looking in a fuckin mirror?

I think you've hit bottom with drugs when it causes you to watch that show.

I was half listening, half browsing reddit when I noticed it was on and she was talking about her vagina. It was really like a parody of herself.

My condolences for having had to view that.

Unflavourful don't sounds right.


Yeah, well I've been cooking only the exact same shitty, uncooked, unflavorful chicken for years and I'm a 100x better French chef than you'll ever be! #equalrights #idowhatiwant #youdontknowme

Women only have comedic appeal to other women. Women have no sense of humor, so it just endlessly feeds this vicious cycle. Women get on comedy shows because if they dont they complain and it causes problems for the spot or the booker. They give Sarah Silverman a special on Netflix, and it sounds like she's making it up as she goes. People call it "genius", because she has a vagina.

Work some WW2 jokes into your act, that'll really impress 'em.

It's less complicated. They just need to learn to take criticism like male comics. Day after day, male comics are destroyed here. None of them try to start a justice crusade over it. Bonnie is the closest thing to a cool female comic but even she threw a fit over retards.
