Chris Rock Deeply Offends Australian Pussies

20  2017-07-01 by OochyWally


The Saturday Night Live and movie star comedian also told audiences he had done “nigger research” before travelling to a new country and was shocked to discover that “hunting aboriginals” was legal in Australia until 1920. “Forget the segregation on the buses in America during the ’60s,” Rock’s gag went. “You guys were hunting aborigines. We got nothing on you.”

That's funny as hell. Yet another reason why we should ban Australians from the sub.

At least until it's legalised again.

We need to round up all the Australians here and force them to be tagged with a boomerang.

fun fact: Australians have a slang word for the aboriginals: "boong", which is named after the sound they make when they hit them with their cars

This term was immortalized in the classic 80s film "Boongaroo Banzai".

Dude, he's not Australian. He's a civilian he doesn't get it what it's like to be Australian.

they were offended that Australians were being made fun of, its a country of self important pussies

its because their clits and assholes are touching

Black comedians gleefully called people racist and jumped on the PC bandwagon, never thinking it would spin around and run them over too. They've should've defended white comedians before all of this got out of hand, regardless of whether or not they would be called "coons" or "house niggers" or whatever.

Why do aboriginals sleep in the road

They are lazy and tire easily

It's official. All Australians are faggots. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt that Jeffries and Ellis were stray cases. But now I hate them all. Except Margot Robbie and her asspipe.

WE squirmed with glee at a crotch-scratching, red-wine dribbling Sir Les Patterson. We cheered on a barfing Bazza MacKenzie. And we laughed along with a less-than-delicate Rodney Rude.

You know those guys are funny cause of their CRAZY names

Rodney Rude sounds like a hack 80s comic name.

Yeah he is shit

Remember that Aussie golf faggot that used to wear those stupid hats and call himself a shark? What a gay faggot.

You leave Greg Norman the fuck alone!

He called himself The Shark. What a douche.

white comedian being "offensive" = OMG fire him, take that sandwich out of his mouth

any minority comedian being "offensive" = OMG why is everybody so sensitive its just art, chill.

Nigger research.

Classic: I'll use that one.

Australians have a worse grasp on humour than Germans. Seriously, watch any Australian comedy sitcom and it'll make 2 Broke Girls seem genius

I won't stand idly by while you insult Yahoo Serious.

Matty johns show is funny, but your point definitely stands. There is an increasingly high amount of pc faggots here now