Jim Morton is Directing Porn Now

23  2017-07-01 by [deleted]



The ole' Jason Ellis special.


I'd let a dude didgerido me just for the laffs

Tsssss....tsssss... I bet there was didgeridoodoo all over that mug.

Gah on now!

How does that get the party going ?

How does one stumble across shit like this?

This is vile. Just disgusting. I mean the shoving a large object into another man's anus thing I was on board with, but the culture appropriation is just sickening

I see you've played knifey spooney before.

But does he play it with it in there?

So according to them there is something wrong with shoving stuff i up a mans ass? Thats not very PC of them.

It's the gayest gay caricature ever