Why does this sub still exist?

0  2017-07-01 by pomegranate2012

Just going through some old Reddit subs and unsubscribing.

No offense to anyone. If I hit 'subscribe' then it must have been worth it at one point.

But all good things come to an end. I think it's important in life to look at what was good in its time, but not to pretend that these issues matter when everyone else has moved on.


This sub exists to spite you faggot.

Did you type that all out by yourself?

Suck the grease out of my asshair you faggot

Why are you sticking up for this other guy?

Are you friends or something?

You know what, that's kind of nice. If you found friends on a bleak and nihilistic internet forum that's actually kind of nice.

are you a faggot?

it's about being mean to typical gay reditors stupid

Won't see him no more!

we're e-friends

Thanks for the announcement, fruitcake. At least now we'll have closure.

Eat a dick fatty

i dig the fact that people here hate their lives so much, they're hellbent on making entertainers lives miserable and contributing to the destruction of random institutions. it's very isis-esque.

Do ya?

What? Who are you?

/u/pomegranate2012 is allegedly an "out and proud" child molester.


On his twitter he keeps mentioning about a "child's right to choose his or her sexual partners"? I love a good laugh, gang, but this is a bit off the wall!

Well, back to r/BBCLovingFags for you I guess. Enjoy the prolapses.

It was cruel of you to tease me with that subreddit as if it was real.

I work with a lot of coloreds. Let me know if you want some phone numbers.


Thanks for the important announcement, dicksucker.

Shut up, you over-dramatic jerkoff.

Leave, cunt

yeah, but what happened?

Farewell, sweet prince

Well, it's over, folks. Time to shut the sub down. We're not going to come back from this loss of pomegranate2012. It's been a fun ride.

Oh yeah? Why don't you come here and shut up!

good riddens to Mr. says goodbye to a subreddit he was never a part of.

IT'S SPELLED "RIDDANCE" dummy! *oh- and you think you're a part of something? 😜hahaha hahahaha hahahahahah ahahahaha hahahahah ahahahahaha...... uh uh uh uh buah--hahaha hahahahaha hahahahah ahahahaha hahahahah ahahahahaha... oh god oh god.. buah--hahahah ahahahahahah ahahahahaha hahahahagah agagagagag agagagaga gagag.gagging gagging gaggging...i think i'm gagging on my spit..... gaggging!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!.. HELP!!!!!!!!.. oh i just passed out😋


Don't you have spell-check, you crack-whore?

got me gud frand

i just shit in a garbage bag in my van

Frankly, I AM offended.

To make opie want to kill himself

I'll be sure to make a video of your username being washed away by the ocean tide. You will be missed, dipshit.

Don't you have spell-check, you crack-whore?