Which statement would be more embarrassing to admit? "I got fired from my dream job for going on a racist rant on twitter"? Or "I got fired from my dream job for filming obese men in the bathroom"?

151  2017-06-30 by MFWinab



At least Anthony had supporters of what he said. I cannot imagine the conversation Opie must have had with Lynsi.

I know good raqio. This would have been fawking good raqio. Period. Those fawking suits in HR don't know nothing about making good raqio. Period

"Babe I take pictures of my inner circle in the bathroom all the time and never had a problem. Seriously just check my Twitter."

You know Opie was thrilled to get rid of Anthony

Of course. He pretty much said so during the December 2015 argument with Jim.

Opie genuinely thought he was the real talent of O&A. He figured Anthony was funny but replaceable, but what he brought to the table was some kind of unique radio instinct that would to success no matter who he's partnered with.

He couldn't wait to get rid of Anthony and go on to have a top-rated show on his own just to prove to all the haters (and his own fragile ego) that he was the real force behind the show.

Didn't really work out the way he planned.

ME: I was trying to be more like Bam and his Jackass friends, I thought that was what you wanted sniff

ME: I really needed you that day

I cannot imagine the conversation Opie must have had with Lynsi.

I can and it's been making me laugh all day like his zoo-crew pretends to.

Better to be a racist than a pervert.

Only one of those is a felony.

Being a homosexual is more accepted thing, then being a racist.

sure for SJW.

But who do you want to impress SJW or dad?

You're comparing the wrong apples and oranges. The comparison isn't fag vs racist. It's sex offender vs racist.

Anthony is a homosexual

If being a racist is cool, consider me Miles Davis.

I do.

A nigger?

a nigger cook.

Opie really is the 55 year old version of the retarded frat boy who gets everyone thrown in jail for gang raping a pledge with a plunger. Same shit sense of humor.

That would have been good radio though.

We're having a real moment, here

Ben Affleck's character in Dazed and Confused.

But with way better tits!

Nice saving Silverman reference 👍


His sense of humor came up with creating a shirt about taking dumps that said "dropping hammers" on it. Ironically it did have a clipart picture of a plunger.

Except when it's a marshmallow betwix the butt cheeks.

I think ant was fired for saying he hoped the hooker he propositioned got shot by one of her homeboys. I only heard people like DeRosa saying he was fired for racist comments because that's what bothered them more

Yeah I remember hearing that as well, it was the threat of violence that bothered Sirius more than the race stuff.

That was a complete bullshit excuse that nobody with any sense should ever believe.

Hows about the fact that Chip buried both of those cawk sukkas.

Even in the black community a racist is looked at as a better person than a cum gurgling queen.

You know what is really embarrassing is a man in his mid-fifties talking about posting videos on social media and justifying it. Period. Sniff.

But Opie really does deserve to be legitimately fired. He is Roland's superior. Also, Roland is a morbidly obese man clearly battling with issues of his sexuality. He also probably needs to take shits multiple times a day. Opie filming him is making a very unsafe working environment for Roland. I feel bad for him

Second one.

Opie and Anthony in the never-ending race to the bottom.

The "racist comments" one is far less embarrassing because there have been a ton of people getting fired for "gotcha" stuff that wasn't real. Anth can spin this, Opie is stuck being a creeper.

Peel it back one more layer....

SOCIAL MEDIA has been the death of all these geriatric faggots:

Anthony's twitter meltdown Opie's cakestomps, bathroom uploads Jim Norton's GoFundMe

The internet slowly but surely killed these old fucks off.

Rumor has it Patrice used to order cupcakes by the gross via the Dark Web.

With yummy fentanyl laced frosting.

More proof that the internet makes everything worse.

Except porn. It's vastly improved porn.

(((porn))) is the most devastating part of the internet.

Uhuru amirite?

Those fags can't lay claim to the idea of breaking endorphin conditioning.

Dopamine, not endorphin. If you're going to try to seem smart, try a little harder next time.

You're right, I named the wrong neurochemical, but my point still stands. Stop rewiring your brain with porn.

I wish you would rewire your brain with a hammer.

He's a meat gazer.

Opie should hang out with this guy

Opie manipulates building employees and cleaners into helping him break into studios for his goofy little videos.

He creates issues with HR and other employees for invading personal space, taste, and even filming in the bathroom for his goofy little videos.

He got into multiple altercations with building employees and security guards for trying to disrupt business so he could have an intern play drums in the elevator. He was proud and bragged about the tough talkin' he was giving a security guy, who dared to be annoyed at this grown man not only getting in the way like that for his goofy little video, but Opie actually expected the security to act like a teenager and "be cool" about him conducting himself like a tween looking for attention from the entire school.

Opie was also told by his bosses to pull his pants up. Opie has been bothering Sirius employees for years, and he expects management to bend to him and allow him to act like a shock jock and run away when people get understandably bothered at his "bit" which is almost always on the nose asshole behavior because that's the bit and he isn't funny enough to come up with some kind of satire beyond "go interrupt other office workers and brag to other shows that we got like 10 TVs, Saaaaam."

This is an opus.


Opieus. sniff

leave it alone

I'd also say that Opie is the bigger racist. Ant is obsessed, probably because he got shaken down by black kids in school. Opie is just that snotty, preppy douche that feels like he's better than black people on principle.

Tits for sure. Racism at least generally has done basis in fact. Photographing your coworker in the shitter is un defendable.

Filming in the bathroom is worse. I don't think it's going to get him fired, but if it did, that'd be worse.

Is Anthony a racist? Yeah. For a long time I really hoped it was just Archie Bunker jokes, but it seems like it's something darker. But he we as angry he got hit in the face, and it was the middle of the night, and he was probably drunk? Does that excuse any of it? NO. But at least his judgement was probably impaired.

What Opie did was just stupid and gross. And as long as he didn't post it, Roland is kind of a bitch for going to HR.

Who the fuck believes Anthony got fired for racist tweets. What are you twelve? $$$! $$! $!!!

I'll go with filming a morbidly obese Mexican taking a shit as the worse of the two. Why the fuck would Op think people would want to see that?

That would have been good radio though.

Ben Affleck's character in Dazed and Confused.

Rumor has it Patrice used to order cupcakes by the gross via the Dark Web.

More proof that the internet makes everything worse.

Except porn. It's vastly improved porn.


His sense of humor came up with creating a shirt about taking dumps that said "dropping hammers" on it. Ironically it did have a clipart picture of a plunger.

Except when it's a marshmallow betwix the butt cheeks.