After all of this... I can't wait for the day E-Rock and Roland finally get to say their piece about Greg 'Opie' Hughes.

12  2017-06-30 by Martillo_Valentine

It will be up there with 'Meatballs' trashing Todd Pettingill and Scorch's sidekick shitting on him.


None of these faggots have gone full bore and this holiday is the three year anniversary of Anthony getting fired. Anthony held back big time and repeatedly said Opie was a talented broadcaster, for Christ's sake! Now they're lining up business deals with each other.

Shit, Jim and Sam don't even say Opie's name. Its just oblique, snide remarks. Its been nothing but subliminal chickenshit since Jim had that fight with Opie when Esther Ku in studio in December 2015! Erock will never, ever cross Opie, either.

I agree but at least Jim and Sam's subtle digs are at least somewhat funny or clever, and come up somewhat naturally in the context of their show. Opie's social media outbursts are the opposite.

Erock is extremely fat and docile like a heifer. You never see a cow verbally abuse its owner.

True, but I think if Opie has another meltdown where, in a mentally-ill defensive craze, he trashes everyone else enough or reveals more of his weasel ways, everyone might get back on to the Opie hate train and open up. The dyke has had some leaks but the full deluge will be glorious