REMINDER: Sirius XM will hire Anthony to replace Opie

21  2017-06-30 by clownshoes2

Wouldn't it be nice?


When the SJWs protest Anthony's hiring, Sirius can say "at least he doesn't record videos of people in the bathroom".

I wouldn't bet on that

"Hey, Chuck, it's your cousin Anthony; Anthony Berry!"

Ellis couldn't handle being sandwiched between Norton and Ant.

He's gone on record saying he might actually enjoy that.

"Aye nye, a sammich of Ellis ;)"

So he can move his libtards rambling from his basement to sxm nice

The Cumia and Norton Show.
PiggyBoy as producer. Roland as booker. Sam gets coffee and breakfast. CakeStomp video on constant loop in studio.

Id buy it.